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The MONSTER truck show must go on

DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,585
I worked there for seven years. It's how we were able to buy our house. I had three jobs in those days. I left the Coliseum to go back to college when I turned 30. It was in January of the first year they won the Stanley Cup. Great timing, eh?
Retired and loving it.


  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    Greedy S.O.B.s

    A six-year-old boy is killed at a monster truck show in Tacoma. When the accident happened it was so loud in there that a bystander had to throw a soft drink cup at security to get him to notice all of the blood. And the show was never stopped.

    The event sold out the next night and people were there in line, all smiles, and saying their kids would give them heck if they didn't take them to see that crap people call entertainment.

    I sent a letter to Feld Entertainment, who sponsors the event but I'm sure it will be deleted. A kid dies but the show must go on. Shameless greed.
  • Paul Pollets
    Paul Pollets Member Posts: 3,661
    But wait...

    When the lawsuit for the accident puts a damper on the company. For the life of me, I just don't understand what the attraction of "Monster Trucks" has to do with great entertainment. Tell me how society benefits from this? Or better yet, what children learn from watching it...

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  • Perry_5
    Perry_5 Member Posts: 141
    Injuries - even death - is accepted in \"enteratinment\" industry

    Serious injuries and even death is accepted in a variety of entertainment industries - that would never be allowed in non-entertainment industries.

    I looked at getting into the fireworks industry years ago - and witnessed an injury that left a person laying on the ground with an obvious injury... But the show had to go on and he was left there until the end of the shoot (my first and last fireworks shoot). Did you even notice the numbers of serious injuries and deaths each year from the launching and use of commercial fireworks. This occurs because of the fusing technology and due to some of the launch propellants and absolutely zero standards on what can be used as a launch tube.

    Lets be honest here. Fireworks are a form of explosives. The commercial explosive industry eliminated all of those kinds of issues decades ago - and still get the job done (very efficiently I might add). Explosive licensing and regulations only allows the use of those "old style" techniques with a lot of safety precautions. Safety precautions that do not exist (and cannot exist) with fireworks.

    By elimination of lit fuses, and having launch tube standards, and safety standards for how launching is done - virtually all - if not all - fireworks accidents could be stopped.

    But, fireworks are entertainment - and thus do not fall under the standards for explosives. Oh, it would also double the cost of the smallest fireworks and significantly impact the cost of a small fireworks show (a 3" fireworks shell is only a couple of dollars each - a modern blasting cap is also a couple of dollars).

    Now let me go play with my explosives. Its a lot safer. Makes a louder bang; but does not have pretty patterns in the sky.

  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,585
    Back in the '70s,

    I worked as a security guard at the Nassau Coliseum. One night during an Islander game, a man had a heart attack and died in his seat. He was in a great seat.

    The paramedics took him out, and they never stopped the game. Fans leaned around the paramedics as they carried his dead body down the aisle.

    Before the period was over, an usher had sold the guy's seat.

    You can't make this stuff up.
    Retired and loving it.
  • David Nadle
    David Nadle Member Posts: 624
    Islanders in the 70s

    brings back a lot of memories. Mike Bossy, Denis Potvin, Clark Gillies, Bobby Nystrom... What a team.
  • Robert O'Brien
    Robert O'Brien Member Posts: 3,556
    Bread and circuses

    I'm not surprised at all.Two players were down and one had to be removed on a backboard in the 4th quarter of the AFC championship game.If that player was dead or paralyzed the game would go on and the major topic would be the upcoming Super Bowl!The machine must be fed!
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  • hot_rod
    hot_rod Member Posts: 22,833
    think of the injuries if

    they canceled the rest of the event.
    Bob "hot rod" Rohr
    trainer for Caleffi NA
    Living the hydronic dream
  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337
    Shameless greed.

    Wouldn't it be more telling to see what people would do if they did cancel an event?

    How many people even know a "tragedy" has occured when they are in a stadium atmosphere?

    Blankets don't always cover everyone.

  • Charlie from wmass
    Charlie from wmass Member Posts: 4,357

    We just had this at the end of last year near me. So much for common sense. http://multimedia.boston.com/pub/m/21594853/police_chief_gun_club_charged_in_gun_show_death.htm?pageid=1
    I will admit I own rifles and grew up around guns but never saw then as family fun.
    Cost is what you spend , value is what you get.

    cell # 413-841-6726
  • ttekushan_3
    ttekushan_3 Member Posts: 960

    Terry T

    steam; proportioned minitube; trapless; jet pump return; vac vent. New Yorker CGS30C

  • Tim_70
    Tim_70 Member Posts: 1

    You have got to be kidding me right? Yes I feel for the family of the boy,and by no means I'm not trying to sound heartless but you actually think they should cancel the following show? How about when somebody unfortunatly dies in a plane crash? Should the airlines be shut down the following day? Answer this question honestly!... if you where supposed to fly out to your vacation destination that day. People die on occasion in Zoo's due to wild animal attacks, these are intended for entertainment also. Should we close these down also? I could go on and on with entertaining venues where people have died but lets get a grip! This was a terrible accident. But that kid was not there against his will, it was a show he went to enjoy. Just because you do not enjoy this type of entertainment does not mean you can decide that the show must stop!
  • One Mans.....

    One mans junk is another mans art? Who should we appoint as czar of entertainment to control what we watch?

    As an example I would say that I think golf is a waste of time, and Golf courses are a waste of land, but I have taken my kids to Monster truck shows and enjoyed them very much.

    What’s up with skiing? You go up a hill just to go down then, and then you go up again... and out in the cold? Bah!
    But many times have I taken my kids out back and we shot off several hundred rounds of various ammo. Make a great family fun day.

    So you see John, I wouldn’t make a very good entertainment Czar, would you?

    I was on a construction site where a man was killed; Work went on, is this also "greed"?

    How about concerts and soccer games where people are trampled? Did they ever stop the show? I don’t think its all "greed" I think a lot of it is the American sprit to carry on, persevere.

    Yes, It’s a very, very tragic situation but the answer is not to ban things, the answer is to find ways to make them safer and to make people aware.

    We ban way too much as it is in this country…..

  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    Hey wrench puller

    (A) Never auditioned for entertainment czar nor am interested in the 'job' and
    (B) Never said ban the show.

    What you do for entertainment is your business. But don't put words in my mouth. Now, on with the 'show.'
  • Your right, John

    Your right John, you didn’t. I just felt that was the general direction the thread was going. Maybe I leaped too far, too fast. My apologies. No malice was intended.

    You did bring up "greed" and that has left a question smoldering in me since I first read your post. Philosophically speaking... when does the legitimate pursuit of profit turn to greed?

    Obviously when it results in the tragic death of a child.

    But, is there any clear cut answer? I don’t know... that’s why I ask.

    Thank you for you patience

    GREG LAUER Member Posts: 103

    just look around at our country today. Greed is the rise and fall of our economy. We say we are a democratic goverment but if money is allowed to drive and control everything then it sounds like we may be Imperialistic? Sorry I may have gone of track but it is something to think about. dONT GET ME WRONG HEAR I AM 100% AMERICAN. I just think someone my be pulling the wool over our eyes.
  • Or perhaps

    it is the choices we prefer to make. The fault is not with the wool pullers, it is with the eyes that refuse to see and a brain that refuses to take action.

    "I just think someone my(sic) be pulling the wool over our eyes."
  • Exactly Tim

    Kids drown in 5 gallon buckets all the time...Quick outlaw buckets! Idiots smoke while filling their gas tanks..quick outlaw gas. Some jerk puts his kid next to 10 tons of overpowered steel rolling by at highway speeds..Fielday for lawyers. As cruel as it sounds we need this stuff to continue more instead of outlawing it so nature can proceed with its natural order of survival of the fittest.

  • Not to be nit picky, but our government is/was/supposed to be a Republic not a democracy. It seems like a small point but there is a distinction. A lynch mob is a democracy. And to the Republic for which it stands...
  • Mitch_4
    Mitch_4 Member Posts: 955

    Its is sad when someone gets killed or hurt or maimed at an event, but the show will ALWAYS go on..the was monster truck but...

    should we:

    cancel all music concerts? people have been hurt there..

    Cancel all athletics? people have been hurt there

    Cancel all construction? people get hurt here

    Close the schools? people get hurt there...

    you can see where I am headed...

    It needs to be examined..maybe safety standards improved...but people get hurt, even bystanders sometimes.

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