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Munchkin electrical draw?

Simple single baseboard loop, no DHW. Used a 3 speed grundfos. I'd have to dig for the model number to find it now, I assume it's 007 size but it's also the only GF I've ever installed so I'm not up on their numbers. Can't recall what speed I left it on either. I'm going back there Monday to do a few amp readings and look it over. He's been very happy with the comfort level so I left it as it was, now he's not happy with the electric bill and I can't understand why it would run him $80 a month to operate, seems excessive but like I said, I have nothing to compare it to. He does cook and make DHW with gas so the $150 is not all the Munchkin.


  • M50, Customer says,,,

    his electric bill went from $30 to $110 since winter rolled in. Gas usage has been about $150 for ~900 sq ft second floor apt. My initial thought is I left it running at minimum temps set from factory which is causing the circ pump to run a lot more than it would if temps were higher. Should I boost the temps? Does $80 a month seem extreme for this model? it does to me but this is the first and only one I have installed so I have nothing to compare it to. Any info would be helpful.
  • Jim Pompetti
    Jim Pompetti Member Posts: 552
    There must

    be more information. Tell us about the install ,was Vision installed . Are you sure ther isn't something else going on?

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  • Uni R_2
    Uni R_2 Member Posts: 589
    No way...

    A 15-58 on speed 3 is 80 watts. On 24x7 on speed 3 that's $12 a month at $0.20/KWH. The fan and controller usage would be less than half of that if the fan were running 24x7.

    How many circs?

    Could it be that electrical heaters were used when the boiler was being replaced and the customer is overlooking that? Electric heaters are a great way to spin the electrical meter.
  • thanks for that...

    I did notice he has an electric "oil" type radiator in there. I'll do some investigatin' Monday and see what turns up. I figured the pump wasn't using much but I wasn't so sure about the fan on the boiler. There is only the one circ and I checked with the factory and got their OK before I did it that way.
  • mark ransley
    mark ransley Member Posts: 155

    What was his bill last winter, measure usage with an amp meter, its unlikely its the unit, more likely electric heat or lights and tv.
  • He moved in just recently...

    so there is no info to go by from last year unfortunately.He's been there since about July. As long as I know the usage he's seeing is not what the unit normally uses I have something to go on. I thought $80 for a month was way out of line but I wasn't sure. I'll do some readings on it as it operates Monday and make sure there's nothing screwy going on with it. Like my supplier said if the circ motor windings are messed up it could be drawing more than it should. I'll confirm correct/normal readings and then go looking for other culprits if I find nothing wrong with the unit.
  • Perry_5
    Perry_5 Member Posts: 141
    Something to check for...

    Some older houses have electric ice melt systems on parts of the roof to prevent ice dams. There can be a variety of ways to control them - and it is not impossible that it is automatically tied to temperature.

    The one house I was in that had it only had a light switch.

    Overall - an electric bill like that has to be from some kind of electric heat use (unless he just purchased a lot of very powerful gadets). Which reminds me: He didn't just purchase a giant screen TV did he. Those can also be power hogs...

  • hot_rod
    hot_rod Member Posts: 22,833
    the electric radiator

    could be 900 W or more. I'd look for some resistence heat device.

    Bob "hot rod" Rohr
    trainer for Caleffi NA
    Living the hydronic dream
  • Believe it or not...

    the guy doesn't watch TV. The ice dam thing is a good suggestion, didn't think of that at all. If there is one he may not even know it exists. He does have this little space heater, I'll have to ask him if he's been using it. He gets a lot of wierd energy saving ideas and keeps the t'stat at like 62* if I recall correctly. It's entirely possible he turns the heater on to spot heat his living (which is also his sleeping) area thinking he's saving gas by doing so, which he is of course, but at the expense of using a lot of electricity. He's one of those guys that's just a bit too smart for his own good. LOL...
  • I'll say one thing,,,

    I'm glad I'm not finding out the hard way that these mod cons use gas efficiently but suck the juice like it's going out of style. That's a relief! :)
  • mark ransley
    mark ransley Member Posts: 155

    I bet its the electric heat, thats why its out in view, he uses it. Tell him to get a Kill-a-Watt meter. Depending on pump size even if it ran 24x7 30-40$ should me about it and im sure its not running 24 hrs a day. He could have another unrelated short, try an amp meter around his ground, I had an onld frige lock on defrost and pull 800 watts continualy, thats about 100$ a month. He could have anything be bad
  • CC.Rob_11
    CC.Rob_11 Member Posts: 15
    gama rating

    If you believe the GAMA ratings, an 80M uses 543 kWh/yr. A T50 uses 442 kWh.

    Even at $0.20 cents/kWh, that's still only $15-18 per month over a 6 month heating season.

    Space heaters suck the juice.
  • Yup,

    you guys nailed it. He was using the space heater. he says, "Gee, I forgot all about that." ;)
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