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Dogs & Service calls

ttekushan_3 Member Posts: 960
Would have left also.

Yes, you want to get the job done, but how many jobs and personal time do you lose in the emergency room getting stitched up. And the shots they have to give you, rabies etc? Productive use of time? Not so much.

Don't give it a second thought. Life and limb come first.


Terry T

steam; proportioned minitube; trapless; jet pump return; vac vent. New Yorker CGS30C


  • Mitch_6
    Mitch_6 Member Posts: 549
    Dogs & Service calls

    No heat call one zone, existing customer. Called from cell phone on the road saying side door open dog will be friendly back in a couple of hours.

    Myself have not worked in house over a year. Show up open door and dog 60 lb Sheppard mutt is penned in the breezeway between the door I am entering in and the kitchen. I put my hand out said high remember me. Ears and tail down K9,s showing and a not happy gawel. Still only way in is past the dog, dog cannot retreat and feels cornered. I try again and same response.

    I left the site had office call HO say sorry we tried if someone else wants to try again good for them.

    I am sure if the dog was not trapped in the room he just would have left. The HO had no heat in the room all that night and decided to call after she left this morning.

    Down side is one of us was at the house changing a zone valve and pump so a bubble must have lodged in the loop after he left.

    I had to get in work cloths, get in my truck go two towns over just to be greeted by a cornered animal that did not like me.

    What would you do?

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  • Timco
    Timco Member Posts: 3,040

    Two years ago I had a blower motor scheduled to replace. Met with HO in an evening and diagnosed it. HO says he will leave a key. All the while I am meeting and playing with 2 very large boxers. (NOT the underware!) Playful, dopey and pretty obiediant. Next day, I grab the key, open the door, and walk in like I own the place. Both dogs meet me mid kitchen, grawling, showing teeth, not cool. I instantly realize I am beyond the point of no return, and could not just break for the door. I pulled a extension cord which made the toaster on the other side of the kitchen bar fall and when both dogs looked, I split. As I slammed the door shut, they hit it jumping all the way up to the glass to se me, nearly foaming. I was really pissed. HO "they have never acted like that before" Billed for the service call and part, and left the part on his porch. He did pay and felt bad.

    Just a guy running some pipes.
  • tim smith
    tim smith Member Posts: 2,800
    I was installing an a/c for a on the air psychologist 15 yrs or

    so ago, she had 2 pit bulls and would not put the dang dogs away. She would say, "oh they are ok, just be calm and they wont bother you" these dogs would follow me around and just kind of to silent growls. I finally said either you put the damn dogs away or I am walking. She just thought I was being silly. BS, stopped working for her after this and she lost her radio show, ha ha...
  • Michael Wilson
    Michael Wilson Member Posts: 46
    Oh, they don't bite

    The only dogs I've ever been bitten by are ones that NEVER do that... LOL
    Then the HO accuses me of teasing the dog...

  • Bob Bona_4
    Bob Bona_4 Member Posts: 2,083
    I would, and have

    left, and charged for service call. Been there, done that. "Oh, they are friendly, just go in" Right. One time I was told this, opened the door a crack, the yap dog slipped out under the gnashing doberman, and chomped down on my ankle. I kicked him back in and slammed the door, and left.

    Another time, the customer was home, greeted me and invited me in. The land shark yap dog comes up and begins to harrass me. The customer was leading me into the house, and before she knew it, the dog is sliding ahead of her on the marble floor, propelled by a size 12 work boot.

    She looked back at me and said "good! I hate that thing!"

  • Just another reason,,,

    I like to steer away from residential. ;)

  • Mitch_6
    Mitch_6 Member Posts: 549

    we had an employee go in a house and call to say the cat was attacking him, told him to just kick it outta way or put a 5 gallon bucket over it, he insisted he wasn't going near the thing. left message with homeowner, she paged back saying to 'put it in the closet and BTW it is declawed'. passed the pager around the job site we were all howling and in tears. for weeks later whenever employee walked into room guys meowed him.

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  • bigugh_4
    bigugh_4 Member Posts: 406
    Man dog control

    40 years as a repair plumber. Going into various houses alone, and dogs there. Learned to keep a big yellow measuring tape and if a dog was present pull about 4 feet out. Had dogs just look at me and not bother me at all.
  • Jim Bennett
    Jim Bennett Member Posts: 607
    Just last week.....

    I was working in an apartment with a 170 lb Mastiff sitting on the kitchen floor watching me.

    He never made any aggressive moves, and I kept my tool cart between me and him at all times.

    Still made me nervous though.

    The owner told me later he is kinda small for his breed!

    Glad I don't have to clean up after that!

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Steve Ebels_3
    Steve Ebels_3 Member Posts: 1,291
    Animal stories

    I always carry treats in the truck and they have come in handy a few times.

    The only time I've been bitten happened like this. I drove up to the customers house and the kids are out in the yard playing in the snow along with a little cocker spaniel. The pooch came running up to me as I got out of the truck and I knelt down and made nice with him. Scratched his ears, petted him and let him get a good sniff of me. No big deal, walked toward the house stopping to chat with the kids and help them lift the head of a snow man they were working on. Picked up the tool bag and made about 4 steps toward the house and the little beggar drilled me right above my boot. I shook him off and he came right back and tried to nail me again only this time I was facing him and he got kicked in the choppers when he came in range. Famous last words from the lady of the house......."he's never done that before"!!

    Yeah right.

    Drove up to a house after dark one winter night and I'm looking right as I gather up my tool bag from the floor of the truck. (F-250) The yard is mostly dark, just one little bulb on the porch. I turned and started to reach for the door latch in the truck and out of corner of my eye I see this canine face about as big around as a baketball looking back at me through the truck window. The owner had cautioned me about his mastiff that "liked to play" and it had come out to do just that. With his front feet up on the running board and his nose practically pressed against the side window, he scared the mortal pud right out of me. The thing was huge, easily 200+ pounds and it was very playful.

    Went to a house last winter, owner said no one would be home, just walk in. I rang the doorbell and instantly hear a veritable chorus of small dogs barking. Ankle biter types. Then I hear a female voice repeatedly hollering shut up. No one comes to the door though. I waited and rang the bell again wondering about her saying no one would be there. The dog chorus reconstitutes and again I hear the woman's voice saying shut up. Now I'm curious so I go around the side of the house and look in a window, which turned out to be the kitchen, see nothing and went back to the door, tried the knob and it was unlocked so I walked in. No barking, I holler "anybody home"?....nothing. So now I'm really wondering what the heck is going on but I went to the basement, did the check up, back and forth to the truck a couple times and it's obvious I'm alone in the house. My curiosity got the best of me and I walked around to the room to the left of the entry door where I thought heard the dogs barking. There's an African Gray parrot sitting on a perch minding his own business. I haven't heard a sound from it the entire time I was in the house but I'm thinking........no it couldn't be......... But just to check it out I go back and ring the doorbell. Sure enough, the parrot breaks into an absolute tirade of barking and growling, like a herd of Pomeranians or Chihuahuas. And sure enough the barking quits and I hear the "woman" saying shut up, shut up, shut UP. She was right there on the perch the whole time. I chuckled about that all the way home.
  • Darrell_6
    Darrell_6 Member Posts: 9

    In nearly thirty years of house to house service work the only animal that has drawn blood on me is a parakeet...which is kind of embarrassing actually.

    The worst dogs are the bored to death german shepherd tied to the front door with nothing else to do but act mean.

    I hate the compensater dogs...you know the ones...the owner doesn't have a set, so he gets a dog that is aggressive and unpredictable to make him feel like a big man.

    I find that most dogs are very polite when they are alone...and then lose their manners when the owner walks into the room...kinda like some kids.

    I have refused to enter a house because of the dogs on many occassions. I have been bitten lots of times but I usually have my carhartts on and am pretty quick to crown the dog with my choise of hands tools...

    But, I really hate it when the cat gets into the truck and doesn't make his presence known until I am twenty miles down the road...a huge moral dilemma!

    Sometimes I worry if the kids have had their shots...
  • Jim Pompetti
    Jim Pompetti Member Posts: 552
    A good friend

    Was told by the owner he's find as long as I'm here. This 80 lb ball of teeth and fur, pulled his owner across the kitchen as she screamed RUN RUN . My friend put himself in the basement ,and crawled out the window . Never to return . Now the dog is put away or he leaves.

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  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,405
    I have many \"dog\" stories.......................................

    But 3 recent ones:

    - Knock on door: "oh...they're fine, but I'll put them away anyway...before I could close the storm door, the two pit bulls push there way out and start AGGRESSIVELY jumping on me...not to play but not in full attack mode either. Ho, a young guy took a FULL 60 seconds to get first one and then the other back in the house. They were both doubling teaming me and starting to grab my sleeves. I was calm, kept fists clenched (harder to break skin), closed my legs like a clam to protect the family jewels, and wouldn't let them get behind me. If he didn't get control soon, I was going to start making my way toward the gate REALLY ticked me off, but I did job . anyway....next time. Second time was 2 years ago....large house, big Rhodesian Ridgeback. The owner went out and I told them we had to get up stairs...:Oh shes locked up...don't worry." So I do my thing and go back thru the kicthen and guess whos blocking my path...snarling...charging 18" up to me and stopping? We had a standoff for the next minutes with her charging me...me trying to be assertive and back her up...cell in basemnet...no one home....Albert is threading pipe oblivious outside. I finally get near a window...opened it up - all the while talking VERY firmly to mutt and not truning my back. Finally got Alberts attention: "Albert...go ring the doorbell...NOW!!!!!" When he did the mutt ran to front door....I had to make a run around the big kitchen and head for basement door..I just got the door closed when the dog slammed in to it. HO comment: "oh..we never had a problem with her." Last one: Pit bull in room with thermostat...no heat...no one home...did same diversionary thing and got out of there. I am now VERY firm when I come to the house with aggressive dogs...put em away and keep em there or we don't come in. This is no guarantee...a lot of times the kids will let the dog out anyway. I am tired of people and there nasty dogs. Mad Dog

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  • A really big kitty....

    Come on, I double dare you to take my Christmas toy. Her tail bowls my Granddaughter over. The big kitty will not let anyone near my Daughter-in-law or Granddaughter when we are out walking. Good lap kitty though.

    She gets locked in a room when P&H folks are arriving.
    PLUMBARIS Member Posts: 22

    There the mid size dog. About 20 years ago, my boss had told HO that i was good with animals. Made it to the basement ok but he decided to get pissey when I was getting something out of truck. got my toolbox to use as a herder to work towards living room and Icould shut door.He was really getting pissed , I was now using the door and my box for a herder he knocked the door stop down and I cut a perfect semi-circle in finish on the hardwood floor. The HO reply we thought you were good with dogs Oh by the way here's the bill for the floor.
  • bob young
    bob young Member Posts: 2,177
    adventures in plumbing

    one time i was bleeding radiators , went in a bath room , lifted stall shower curtain for some reason & was face to face with a dobermam. instant coronary. another time walking through a kitchen , an australian cattle dog jumped up and took a chomp out of my finger. very kool dog though. it was his house !! was bitten by a few nice cats , too. still love them all. its only rock & roll. lol
  • ed wallace
    ed wallace Member Posts: 1,613

    1997 doing a/c install with another worker carpenters dog playing in yard gave him a few biskets later dog in truck window down was walking by offered dog bisket he jumped 1/2 way out the window bit end of nose off had to visit er for 32 stiches never trust a dog it did improve my looks
  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980
    Other than cats and dogs....

    What is the strangest animal that any of you had to work with in a home?

    Mine was a 4 month old mountain lion. The owner of the home (a 101 year old gentleman with full faculties!) was letting his son stay there for a bit...and he at one time was the local animal control officer.

    The son runs(or maybe now...ran) a rescue habitat for wild big cats in Tennessee, and had an abandoned cub living with him for a while.

    Smart little bugger too! He didn't much like being alone, and figured out how to open the basement door while 2 of us did a burner upgrade. Don told us all we had to do was walk over to the can opener an push the button...and the cat would come running....and he was right!

    We tied the basement door from the inside so we could finish and when we were done...went up and played with him for a while. I can't even imagine how big he is now but he was quite a character when he was a cub...and LOVED people!

    Some things just come back to you when you least expect it. I haven't thought about that incident for years. Chris
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,405
    When they ask if I am \"afraid\" of dogs I say....................

    "NO...but when I throw him threw your plate glass window as he's chewing on my arm....no one is going to be very happy!, so please just put him away" Then, i just give a wry smile. Mad Dog

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  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,405
    My father in law

    had a customer (he was a carpenter) that kept letting the German Shepard in the yard when they were working even though he was very aggressive and bit him once already (poopsie had to go potty...you know how some pet owners can be). This last time he had had enough....Shepard grabbed his arm, hammer came out of tool belt, puppy got major wallop in ribs....tell-tale howl.....never came near him again.....Mad dog

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  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,405
    Speaking of Dogs.....

    How would you like to be stuck in yard with these brutes???actually the are nice hounds. mad dog

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  • Darrell_6
    Darrell_6 Member Posts: 9

    Another reason to lock up the dogs...did you ever run over a customers dog in their driveway...in front of the kids...

    Ain't no discount big enough to cover it...

    And, watch for the kids too.
  • Mitch_6
    Mitch_6 Member Posts: 549
    actually the weirdest animal on a job site

    was a pissed off peacock, would not let me out of the truck until the HO came out.

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  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980

    Saw that one too!...P.O'd mother Peahen with 4 chicks circling the truck.

    They got spurs like turkeys and aren't afraid to use them. Chris
  • ScottRW
    ScottRW Member Posts: 33
    Cats worse Than dogs??

    I was doing some service work at a customer's house. We were brought in through the back door. Wooden screen door had a hefty spring on it so it really slammed shut if you didn't catch it. About the third time through, the h.o's siamese cat decide to run in right after me. The screen door caught it about the ribs, the cat howled in pain and grabbed the closet thing to it, my leg. Hung on and screamed like he'd been shot. Meantime I'm trying to get clear, but the door still has the cat jammed in place. Kind of like a chinese handcuff. The harder I pulled to free my leg the louder the cat got and the tighter he hung on. Finall got my wits about me, and backed up to the door and was able to open it and free the cat. I looked at the ho and she was crying. Thought she was in distress over the whole thing, but she was laughing so hard she was crying....... After she fixed my shreded leg, we had a good chuckle over the whole thing. Cat came home just before we left. Lets be careful out there.....
  • Tim Weaver
    Tim Weaver Member Posts: 49
    I hate dogs

    The other day I beat one half to death with a washing machine hose. Then he REALLY got pissed. Trapped me inside the customers house. If I had a gun......
  • Randy_30
    Randy_30 Member Posts: 28
    try this on for size

    How would you like my puppy.
  • Glen
    Glen Member Posts: 855
    lets see -

    I have been bitten, clawed, dive bombed by the attack budgie, greeted warmly at the door but then not allowed to leave (by the 2 shephards), my boots and tools have been peed on by both dogs and cats, the service van ransacked by calf (nice little hereford that really missed its mother!), surrounded by a herd of insane wild turkeys (now that's a really messy bird) - but the worst day was when "george" slithered out from behind the boiler. George was a 6 foot boa - owner calmly said - "oh we knew he would come out when he got hungry". Stick to commercial/industrial - I'll take on a nice day of industrial waste anytime.
  • Metro Man
    Metro Man Member Posts: 220
    wild animals

    Seen lots of dogs, usually can tell who's going to be a problem.

    This isn't quite the residential story but thought I'd share. Scariest and greatest animal encounter on the job was the time we did a project for a rescue wolf compound. The curator, who was an incredibly knowledgeable about wolfs and they're place in the world, asked if I and my tech would like to sit in with the wolfs. He had us sit quietly inside the 2-3 acre "pen" and called the wolfs. Before they came over to us he explained to talk softly as you would talk to a baby or we would scare the wolfs off and to also allow them to lick our teeth. Licking your teeth he explained is what the caretakers had learned to do. This knowledge came at the expense of black eyes and bruises not from aggression but by mere curiosity from the wolfs so these folks just learned that the wolfs needed to do this when the met you. The 2 wolfs approached and the curator had my video camera and was filming and explaining what the wolfs where doing. The Alpha female came directly towards me, I petted her and she started licking my teeth.... the power and size of her head was incredible. Just then the beta female decided she could do the same.... in an instance the Alpha snarled and had the Beta's head in her mouth and stayed on her as she put her in her place. With legs open and in a total submissive posture the Beta had to endure the 3-4 minutes of "who do you think you are" from the Alpha. I on the other hand needed and new pair of boxers because the start of this took place about 3 inches from my face. All the while the curator was filing and explaining the wolfs actions.

    There is not a finer, more family oriented animal on the face of the earth as wolfs and I was incredibly fortunate to have been in they're world albeit for a short time. After the Alpha had shown who was who she calmly strolled away at which point the Beta was O.K.'d for interaction. She proved to be a wonderful animal and could not get enough of us.

    Metro Man
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,405
    OH S_____U(()*^*%&*^*(^%^@!$#$#%$#^%$&*(

    not much to do there but talk nice.....MD

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  • tim smith
    tim smith Member Posts: 2,800
    One of the above stories brought one bashing back into my memory

    We were doing and walk through a thirty unit apt bldg to check all radiator valves and bleed air. This was for an old great customer and somewhat friend. Pet friendly bldg. I had arranged w/ owner and mgr for all pets to either be gone or mgr new how to handle. 2 guy's on job. Well, mgr opens and closes every door for us and we know if there is a mean dog anywhere or specific instructions. Well in one unit, the mgr cracks open door and we start to walk in, there was a skittish dog in here but friendly, owner felt it was her child almost. Loved it. Well our tech starts to walk in and the dog shoot by him out the door into hallway, well someone propped open back basement door of building and gets out of building. Well the chase begins, this is right in basically downtown Seattle. The techs and the mgr start following dog blocks away, one of our techs gets his sights on him 4 or 5 blks away, tries to get to dog but busy streets too. He gets down near main thoroughfare and the dog darts out into traffic and gets hit!!! Oh nooooooo. I forgot who got to dog but take dog to ER vet and does not make it!!!!! Tenant of unit at work, and as I said, just loved dog, rescued at pound not too long before. I called the owner and he would make the call to tenant. Man, sometimes I want to look for the nearest rock to go under. Owner makes a $1000.00 donation to a pet help agency of tenants choice, by the way he is a big donor to pet societies here also. He was just beside himself with grief also, It was not a good day. Things did pass and there was no blaming just accepting of a poor situation. Somethings suck, this was one of em.
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