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Mark Custis
Mark Custis Member Posts: 537
If you are trying to design ground loops the information is well guarded. The University of Oklahoma has designed a formula, but a lot of the numbers needed are impossible to get.

Try the geothermal heat pump consortium wed site.


  • Does anybody know

    where I can get some good books on Geothermal field and system design?
  • Radiator Ranger
    Radiator Ranger Member Posts: 81
    Some Geothermal Resources

    Hi Tony,

    Here are a few links. Hopefully you'll find some useful information. I live and work with a low temperature geothermal system but find resources on low-temp geo scarce. There are crossovers with district heating systems in universities (though those are mostly high temp, steam boiler systems with black iron distribution piping).

    District Energy Library http://www.energy.rochester.edu/

    The DOE has info. at: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/geothermal/

    Southern Methodist University at: https://smu.edu/geothermal/ has done a lot of work with geothermal but it appears to be focused primarily on high temp geo.

    There is a Geo_Heat Center at: http://geoheat.oit.edu/. They publish a free bulletin which I've signed up for but never received (yet). They also published a book called Geothermal Direct Use Engineering & Design Guidebook which is under $100. I've not yet ordered it (but want to) because I've got a lot to read already.

    I'm curious about your project - what are you working on?


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  • Jack Smith
    Jack Smith Member Posts: 53
    Good luck

    on finding any real hard and fast numbers for designing. However, my vote of confidence for consulting goes to Poenix Int.
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