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Take advantage of slow times

I am going to take advantage of the really crappy economy that surrounds me here in RI. We are number 1 in the country with an unemploymnent rate of 9.6% soon to break 10% and number 5 in forclosures on homes. Since work in my field is now next to none, and whatever work is out here being done is by moon lighting guys collecting unemployment and working dirt cheap, or the jack of all tradesman working dirt cheap, with no licences, no insurance, and any type of enforcment worth ten cents to stop or deter them. I am going to take advantage of a lot of training opportunities that are out there that I may not have taken advantage of in the past because of being so busy. I will probably go to some repeat trainings that I have done in the past as well. I feel now is the time to take advantage of training to refresh myself on the ever changing technology and new products in our fields,or pick up something I may have missed in previous trainings, or maybe come out learning different way of doing things business wise that I may have overlooked, or learn some other installation techniques that may better the way I do my installations and make my business more profitable. I feel that most of you fellow tradesman are experiencing some kind of slow down as well, maybe not as drastic as mine, and I am proposing that you all take advantage of the situation as well and get caught up on training. Taco Flo Pro Team training with John Barba is a good way to start, Viessmann training, Triangle Tubes training, Uponor training, take advantage of any of these or any of the other companies that you may prefer to deal with or install there products. Most of these companies will pick up something with the costs associated with training or make it affordable for you to attend. Take advantage of the road travelers like Dan Holohan and John Siegenthaler when they are in a town near you. Best of all, take advantage of the webcasts that are available as well. I know I do not know everything that there is to know in my profession, and I know I probably will or do know alot of the stuff already that I will sit and listen to in training, but for that little bit I dont know, and learn,could be just enough to put me one step ahead of the competition. I know when the economy turns around I want to be hitting the ground running, better in knowledge than I was before, smarter than the next guy.

Steven Gronski

Gronski Plumbing & Heating


  • Robert O'Brien
    Robert O'Brien Member Posts: 3,556
    Smart move,Steve

    Learning is never a waste of time!
    To learn more about this professional, click here to visit their ad in Find A Contractor.
  • k
    k Member Posts: 38

    Anything in particular that you guys are interested in? I am looking forward to a Solar training seminar.
  • John Fernandez_2
    John Fernandez_2 Member Posts: 40
    The Right Stuff


    I have been in the plumbing-heating business for over 30 years and had (still have) a passion for learning. I have attended Dan Holohan's seminars in years back and strongly reccomend them. The storage capacity of the human brain is amazing, it modern lingo I guess that would be called unlimited disc space ! Subscribe to the trade journals attend seminars and learn learn learn. I admire your spirit and outlook.......you will be sucessful.

  • Steven Gronski
    Steven Gronski Member Posts: 98
    Im definately going to..........

    Look at what is available for solar training, Viessman for sure since they are right around the corner for me, and Im open to see what the potential for geothermal or any type of ground source heating and cooling training if it os a feasible thing to do here in New England, i know the electric costs are astonomical here. I just hope Obama comes thru with alternative energy and makes it affordable for the average American
  • Mark Custis
    Mark Custis Member Posts: 537
    There are geothermal systems

    in New England. You just need to be carefull where you dig or drill.
  • Rollie Peck_3
    Rollie Peck_3 Member Posts: 24
    Slow business time

    This strikes me as an opportune time to cleanup, fixup,
    paintup, etc. To straighten up the storeroom, service
    trucks, and shop. All of those jobs that you didn't have
    time to do when your were busy.

    Happy New Year to all!

    Rollie Peck

  • Tim Weaver
    Tim Weaver Member Posts: 49
    some people

    don't come with enough bandwidth.
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