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the best oil fired steam furnace?

Brian_75 Member Posts: 7
Hi -

My furnace just cracked. Any recommendations on the best system out there?


  • For oil

    the Burnham MegaSteam. Nothing else even comes close.

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  • itza boiler!!!!!!!!

    i am sure you are refering to a boiler, which heats water to provide domestic heating.
    everyone here likes the burnam megasteam for efficiency, and predictability.
    just remember the important choice is the experienced steam pro who will install it following the mfgs instructions[ some call them "boiler whisperers"]--nbc
  • Brian_75
    Brian_75 Member Posts: 7

    Here's my problem - probably more emotional than practical.

    I'm pissed off at burnham. The furnace is a v7, which has historic problems with blocks cracking (people are complaining all over the blogs). It's only 10 years old and shot. I'm not the original owner, so I get no warranty.

    I'm scared to buy another burnham. Have they fixed this problem? Do you know if I can get my hands on a v7 block?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Have you talked to Burnham? Warranty or not, they just might give you a break on a new one.

    If Steamhead recommends the Megasteam I'd really give it serious thought as he is one of the most experienced steam pros on this board.

    As NBC mentioned it is equally important to find a competent steam system installer.
  • Brian_75
    Brian_75 Member Posts: 7
    just called burnham...

    Just called Burnham... They said they would of helped me if it was a hot water system, but they'll do nothing for steam. It's looking more and more like another type of system.
  • Well, if you'd rather go with another brand

    the Smith 8 or Slant/Fin Intrepid series steamers are good choices, though we do prefer the MegaSteam's 3-pass design as it's much easier to maintain. We've installed all three of these boiler models and they all perform well.


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  • kpc_45
    kpc_45 Member Posts: 29
    the V7 ..

    was dicontinued years ago. They now have a V8 block. They never had issues w/ the steam block ...it was a group of overfired water ones. 10 years is a short lifetime but it could have been a lot of things..... improper piping, poor water quality or even bad make up air... I looked at one job where the lady piled here water softener salt not 2' from the boiler and vented her clothes dryer into the basement....
    Both the Megasteam and the Smith series 8 would be my top 2 choices.
  • JOE_104
    JOE_104 Member Posts: 15

    peerless ect boiler is also an option.but if i was you i would have an professional install burnham mpo boiler.
    most boiler companies only warranty a steam boiler for 10 yrs.too much fresh water will shorten life span of any unit.
  • Frank

    Can you elaborate ?

    I like the Burnham V8 for steam , and admittedly I haven't installed a Megasteam yet . But what makes it that much better than the competition ?

    Personally , I believe the choice of contractor is more critical than the equipment you're going to choose . Any salesman that walks in your door ( in this time of $50 digital cameras ) , and doesn't have photos of past work or doesn't measure your rads ........... might be the wrong choice of contractors .

    That being said , my boiler of choice for steam is the Peerless EC . Meaty cast iron and pretty high AFUE for steam . We've installed possibly over a thousand of them since 1986 , including it's older twin brother the JOT , without any major issues . I might be biased due to familiarity though :)

    This is one we installed a few days ago .
  • JackR
    JackR Member Posts: 125

    Where did your boiler fail? If it failed above the water line internally do not be mad at the boiler but rather the system or water quality. Frequent fresh water make-up or high chlorides in the water will eat up a boiler in no time. I've seen many of good steam boiler get slandered when it wasn't their fault. Hands down the Burnham Megasteam is the best oil steam boiler on the market. I had the fortune of speaking to Glenn Stanton of Burnham in the display truck and he walked me through the water conditions that are plaguing today's boilers, it really opened my eyes. The Megasteam is purely designed to be a high efficiency steam boiler and not a water boiler that can make steam. You will truly not be sorry if you go with a Megasteam.

  • First, the MegaSteam is a 3-pass

    which is much easier to service than a pin boiler.

    Second, its AFUE rating is the highest I've seen on a steamer.

    Third, the casting work appears much better than the V-8 series or any other steamer I've seen.

    I'm not knocking the EC- or the Smith 8, Slant/Fin Intrepid or others. But if my house had steam rather than hot-water, I'd give it a MegaSteam.

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  • Brian_75
    Brian_75 Member Posts: 7
    photo of corrosion

    Hi All -

    Thanks for your help. Here's a photo of the rusted top section of the block. As mentioned, it's probably due to poor ventilation (no liner in chimney).

    I have a wood burning stove that heats 80% of the time. Is it dangerous to run this boiler 20% of the time in this condition?
  • Brian_75
    Brian_75 Member Posts: 7

    Hi All -

    Thanks for your help. Here's a photo of the rusted top section of the block. As mentioned, it's probably due to poor ventilation (no liner in chimney).

    I have a wood burning stove that heats 80% of the time. Is it dangerous to run this boiler 20% of the time in this condition?
  • Fred Harwood_2
    Fred Harwood_2 Member Posts: 195

    The photos seems to show moisture corrosion, presumably from too low boiler temps allowing sulfur and humidity to mix and make sulfuric acid. Also, that boiler needs cleaning.

    In general, if a boiler can't be kept above 140F, it should be cleaned and turned off.
  • Brian_75
    Brian_75 Member Posts: 7

    Hi Fred -

    Thanks for the feedback. What is worst case if I keep running this?
  • JackR
    JackR Member Posts: 125
    Internal Corrosion

    That definitely looks like a cause of internal corrosion caused by either too much fresh water being introduced or by a high chloride count in the water. Are you on a well or city water? If your on a well I would have the water tested for Chloride's. After speaking with Glenn at Burnham I got a good schooling on corrosion and the new Megasteam was specifically designed to be resistant to it. I'm afraid you will see the same result with any other pin style boiler if the water issue is not addressed.
  • JackR
    JackR Member Posts: 125
    I would agree Ron

    that the ECT is a fine steam boiler and the closest thing to a real steam boiler out there until the Megasteam came along, I would say when the ECT is compared to the rest of the pin style steam boilers it is on top, that was always our choice of steam boiler until we installed a MST. That is the only oil steam boiler we will use from now on!!! Below are just a few of the key points we liked:

    -Three Pass Design, easy to clean

    - Efficiency ( We achieved a 349 degree gross stack temp right out of the box, 87.1% Comb eff. ) Had to pull the baffles.

    - Dropped Header Piping Kit from the manufacturer.

    - Tapping in the block for addition of an indirect as well as a tankless coil option

    - The most stable water line I have come across in a modern steam boiler.

    Those were the features that switched us!!!
    I only wish they came a little larger though, maybe in the future.


  • oil-2-4-6-gas
    oil-2-4-6-gas Member Posts: 641

    now that is 1 shot boiler --it looks like someone forgot about routine maintenance--thats been leaking for a while -it should have been noticed when it was serviced --last season --thats not the typical place where the V 7 would leak --
  • Perry_5
    Perry_5 Member Posts: 141
    Thoughts from another homeowner


    I came to this forum in 2006 for advice - and was presented with real solutions that worked. I was also told what kinds of things to take care of as well.

    The results was a replacement boiler system that is phenomenal compared to what my local heating people were offering.

    I just happen to bounce back here for a very minor issue and saw your post.

    Forget the other blogs and forums. These people really know what they are talking about.

    As I see it - they have identified several issues that affect boiler life: Improper installation, Improper operation (too cold), Poor water treatment, and Poor make up air (contaminated from other things).

    Now I don't know which of those individually - or in combination - has shortened the life of your boiler. However, I do know that if you do not address all of those issues and ensure that you do not have them with your replacement boiler that you will again shorten the life of your boiler.

    I also know that given whatever of those problems you had - that any boiler would have failed early.

    My point here is to not blame this specifically on Burnham. It is far more likely a problem with whoever installed and maintained the boiler than it is with Burnham.

    Some of the best experts in the US have said that the new Megasteam boiler is the way to go for several reasons. Believe them.

    But more important - make sure you really find someone who knows what they are doing to replace your boiler (and service your steam system at the same time). Someone who can help you avoid those issues listed above. Even the best boiler will die an early death if not installed, operated, and treated properly.

    These folks give their advice to help anyone. Some people live in their service area. Alternately, these folks may personally know someone who is really good in your area with steam boilers and steam heating systems (many contractors out there do not really know what they are doing). I suggest you find someone who truly knows what they are doing with steam heat and boilers first. Feel free to use this site for that. Ask and get referrals here if you can.

    Each contractor tends to work with one or two lines of boilers. But, don't be too surprised if your contractor wants to install a Megasteam... There are reasons for that - and properly installed you will not regret it.


  • Brian_75
    Brian_75 Member Posts: 7
    weil mcclaine boiler...

    Has anyone heard of the weil mcclaine? Is it a good boiler?
  • no bad boilers-just bad boilermen

    in general it's not the boiler, it's the installer who could be bad. choose a boiler available from a distributor in your area, and one which is familiar to the installer! he should also remeasure your system foe precise sizing.--nbc
  • It's not a bad boiler

    but the W-M SGO, like the V7 and V8 boilers, has a pin-type heat exchanger design that is difficult to keep clean.

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