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This Historic Day (1/20/09)

Mr Eayrs I come from a long line of informed working class people. We often debate history, politics and other world events. I feel that political debate often goes awrye on computer forums unless it is gang mentality and follow the leader. I see them both as bad things by the way. I feel most contributers to this forum have a good repoire. I just would prefer it stay that way. There are plenty of other forums for political disscussion on the internet. To be truth full I would rather sit down to a pint and debate with Mr. Harvey then a poli sci major any given day. I know I have a few in the family.
Cost is what you spend , value is what you get.

cell # 413-841-6726


  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    Obama Inauguration

    I wrote this blog on my website and thought I'd share it with Wallies:

    Today marks the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th U.S. president. This is quite a history-making event for our country.

    Looking beyond the significance of being the first non-white president, we need to put the entire 'state of the nation' in perspective and see if President Obama can truly put his name in the record books for something other than being black.

    He has a daunting task ahead of him -- trying to lead this country out of its worst economic slump since the not-so-great depression. President Obama has taken the reins of a nation that is gripped in unemployment, credit worries, lost 'American dreams' (homes), and pessimism that is unprecedented. Putting aside -- for now -- other issues like health care, crime, terrorism, etc., President Obama needs to put a plan in place immediately to get America feeling good about itself again and on the road to survivability, let alone prosperity.

    Right now, in my mind, the jury is out on President Obama. Let's see what fruit his first 100 days in office yields and after that, observe where we are as a nation one year from now. I'll give the new president a free pass for his first year and if the future is brighter and better one year from now, I'll sing his praises.

    God Bless our new president and the United States of America.
  • Ruthe Jubinville_2
    Ruthe Jubinville_2 Member Posts: 674
    awesome to view it all

    in it's entirity. Yes it is historic but a watching time also to see how it unfolds in the future.
  • It would be unwise

    to place all the "cures" with only one of the three branches of our government. With an over-ripe Congress that may have outlived its usefulness the President is already starting with a handicap.

    We need to make sure our elected Congress does not repeat the performance of the last years.
  • Andrew Hagen_4
    Andrew Hagen_4 Member Posts: 44
    The most difficult task...

    I agree with Doug that Obama's most difficult task will be dealing with Congress on the important issues and getting meaningful action out of them.

    I am at least hopeful that there will be some change for the better, which is more than I can say for the past 8 (30?)years. As a member of Generation X, I am happy to say goodbye to the last president from the "me" generation.


    Now let's get to selling some solar collectors! ;-)
  • Capt.Dan
    Capt.Dan Member Posts: 19

    Let's enjoy the significance of the day,have hope, if only momentarily, and be thank-full for the blessings that we do have.
  • Brad White_203
    Brad White_203 Member Posts: 506
    Historic and solemn

    While I did not vote for him (OK, my Susan did.. :), one cannot help but be caught up in the historic nature of the moment. More to the point, their little girls are in a place beyond dreams, unique to them alone now. The look on their faces says more than words ever could.

    The orderly transition of our Republic has taken place. My differences aside, I am proud to be an American. I can live with that and will continue to live my life as I choose to. He is but one man. It is congress I am more concerned about.

    I wish him and his family well.
  • Norm Harvey
    Norm Harvey Member Posts: 684

    The large step forward and the historic nature of the day for me is a negative thing.

    People associate the historic significance as the first African American President being sworn into office.

    I see this as a large step backwards in race relations in this country. I do not believe that President Obama was elected on his merits, but instead he was elected because of his race. To me, that is as much n example of racism as any other.

    While I disagree with every point of President Obama's political policy, I do have a reverence for the office, the peaceful transfer of power and so on.

    I do reserve the right to remain the loyal opposition to the President as great many great patriots have done in the past.

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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,585

    why the heck would you make a political statement such as this on a board that is this popular with an ad attached to your company riding along with it? Why send potential customers elsewhere?

    Retired and loving it.
  • Norm Harvey
    Norm Harvey Member Posts: 684

    Id rather speak my opinions than generate false one for the sake of making money.

    Thats why.

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  • Rick_89
    Rick_89 Member Posts: 15
    I'm hoping for the best - but

    It's too much to fix for one man. Both sides fight harder to see each other fail than they do to straighten out our problems. He made a lot of campaign promises and has already started with "it may not happen this year or this term" and the already overused "Yes We Can" Well can we ask when? I understand the historical significance of the moment but wow there's really tremendous expectations put upon this man.

    This is the best country in the world but man oh man who would want to be the President during these times? People are all dancing in the street screaming about change and crying. I wonder what those people will think next week, month, year and four years when the realize their lives haven't really changed.

    I wonder if it matters who is President? Once again, I am hoping for the best - but...
  • JohnNY3
    JohnNY3 Member Posts: 10

    You ARE the man.

    You speak your piece and I respect that.

    A man (and his company) that stands up for what he feels is correct, politically or not.
  • Robert O'Brien
    Robert O'Brien Member Posts: 3,556

    Kudos on having the courage of your convictions.You'd never make it as a politician!
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  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    I think

    at the very least, Obama will make a good President. And at the most, he might be a Great President. Time will tell.

    That's why I voted for him.

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  • I feel that a better start to this presidency, regardless of political party, would've been to have a frugal ceremony. It could have been an opportunity to set an example for how this government is going to need to operate through these tough economic times. 170 million dollars could come in handy for some of the unemployed.
  • Tony_23
    Tony_23 Member Posts: 1,033
    Excellent !

    Good for you, Norm.

    Money isn't everything. The job this might cost you probably will be replaced by another. ;)

    Stand up for what you believe and your principles. Some people don't understand that. I'm glad you do.
  • My thoughts,

    are the same as they were after the last election. The election is over, we are at war, it's time for all sides to come together and rally behind the new President. That said there is one analogy I can make that I'm sure we here can all understand, I sure hope the product lives up to the sales pitch.
  • Mark Custis
    Mark Custis Member Posts: 537

  • JohnNY3
    JohnNY3 Member Posts: 10

    the carbon impact of all the people flying into the assorted Washington airports is?

    Not that many people flew into any of the other recent (Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43) inaugurations.

    Frank, only time will tell how good of a president Obama will make. Good, bad, or otherwise. For the sake of the country, I hope it's at least good.
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,405
    Dan makes a salient and common sense point, Norm

    and he and I have been down this road MANY times....I have made MUCH harsher political statements than yours and stood by them and PERHAPS suffered some "consequences." In general, it is a good thing to keep politics and business seperate. That being said, I pride myself on taking people as solid, honest individuals FIRST...political viewpoints about last....Some of our best clients have totally opposite views than I do and we both know it...we don't get in to debates over things. We believe in providing top-notch service and craftsmanship to the public..and that is what our rep is..and we strive to keep the bar high. If a potential client would hold MY politcal views against me, then I don't believe I would want them as a client because it speaks VOLUMES about the rest of their character. People of ALL political stripes like straight-shooters. One of my favorite people in the world is my Latin professor from College...we couldn't be MORE polar-politcal opposites...never got in OUR way.......As far as the new President...we'll just have to see.....I'll keep an open mind......Respectfully, Mad Dog

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  • bob_46
    bob_46 Member Posts: 813
    **** Cheney

    I never realized what a sense of humor **** (Dr. Strangelove) Cheney has. I thought he up-staged the whole inauguration with his wheelchair and his black leather glove. I almost fell out of my chair.

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  • Brad White_191
    Brad White_191 Member Posts: 252
    I had the pleasure of

    meeting **** Cheney, in 1992 or 93, at the Middlesex Club dinner in Boston. He was the keynote speaker and was just coming down from his being Secretary of Defense.

    Very much the regular guy, very approachable and direct.

    I was with my friend Nick, who was and is in a wheelchair due to MD. (Your inaugural scenario reminded me of this.)

    What really impressed me was that the evening had a policy of "no photo ops" and no autographs. Mr. Cheney stopped to shake Nick's hand and asked Nick if he could have his picture taken with him. He knelt next to Nick and the picture was taken. He stayed kneeling and spoke with Nick for at least a minute which says a lot when Cheney was being managed out the door.

    That deeply impressed me. As my dad always said at seeing an example of good -or bad- in someone's character, "there is not a whole lot more I need to know about that guy."
  • Steven Eayrs
    Steven Eayrs Member Posts: 33
    I wish Obama the best........

    Will admit I did not vote for him, but how can someone not wish him and his family the best of success? IF he doesn't we won't either. I do not agree with all his policy and most likely never will, but he must succeed.
    In time those who think he can do no wrong will see that he is also human. He is not that different to others we have had lead us. None of them could keep all the promises they made, and he won't either. I really don't think they have that much power.
    Seems those with the power are the press, who make or break you, depending on who they are for. I'm amazed at the bias of the press.
    Right now the press loves Obama.
    I pray he is a good president and he and his family can survive the glass cage.

    The president(s) this one and the previous few, have done the best they can, and can't be blamed for all the good or bad that happens around them. I really don't believe they have that much power.

  • Brad White_191
    Brad White_191 Member Posts: 252
    Nicely said, Steve.

    Very well put.
  • Plumb Bob
    Plumb Bob Member Posts: 97

    What they didn't tell you on Fox News is that this inauguration cost the same as in 2004, apples to apples. The 170 million dollars includes security costs, which were not included in the quotes 2005 number of something like 45 million. "Truth has a well-known liberal bias" (Stephen Colbert).

    Security costs were higher this time, but that's because Obama has been getting a huge number of threats. There's still a lot of hate against black people, as you can see from some posts here. But not enough to keep them down, not any more. Its a new world today.
  • Charlie from wmass
    Charlie from wmass Member Posts: 4,357

    Well I am amazed that people say Obama was voted in due to his race. I think this day showed that despite the overt racsims in this nation we as a ppeople are embracing the hope of the future. I do not think two candidates more exemplified the divide between ties to the past and ties to the future as the two men who ran in this past election. while I respect the technical knowledge shared on this board I feel politics should be left elsewhere. As far as customers choosing one proffessionel over another due to poltics this is nothing new and while Mr. Harveys statements will drive away some it will call to others and we all have that right. JUst as some join the Rotary, the Lodge, the elks, the Fire Department, or even choose there Temple for business propogation. I respectfully choose to celebrate the election of a half white, half black 100% American who can articulate an idea to the office of these United States and I welcome an era of Hope and Welcome the demise of an era of fear. We will always need to be mindful of those who wish to do us harm as a nation but I do not believe fear sits well as a motivator for me.
    Cost is what you spend , value is what you get.

    cell # 413-841-6726
  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337

    how some preach keep politics off this site and then make their views known.

    Being a political junky and retired (for now) politician I like the debate wherever it is as long as it is fair and honest.

    I wish President Obama all the best and unlike many will judge him for all his decisions, not just those I will disagree with and I thank President Bush for his eight years of service.

  • bill_105
    bill_105 Member Posts: 429
    I'm lost

    I had a tough heating problem today and was looking for help. I somehow ended up here. Perhaps I'll just ask Fox News!
  • bb_10
    bb_10 Member Posts: 29
    An historic day indeed

    My son turned 5 on the 20th, and a new President as well.

    Our President certainly has a lot on his plate to handle, and hopefully he has selected some good advisors. He has claimed there will be change. I hope it is not just the furniture in The White House!

    As far as history judging a President. Well, I have heard that there are still a few things that historians can't agree on for President Washington. I am sure it history will know much better than those of us here today.

    Our country will survive, and thrive once again. We always do.

    My prayers go out to the President's family and our nation.
  • Charlie from wmass
    Charlie from wmass Member Posts: 4,357

    I figured since the subject was broached why not drop in my 2 cents. That won't even buy a cuppa these days but I felt a differing opinion was worth dropping in. Hypocritical I am aware but still with in the realm of free speech.
    Cost is what you spend , value is what you get.

    cell # 413-841-6726
  • Steven Eayrs
    Steven Eayrs Member Posts: 33
    interesting thinking Charlie in Mass

    And just who should political topics be left to? If you vote you have an opinion. Rational thinking is not all on the left or the right. Is a plumber/heating tech less qualified to understand these things or less capable of having an opinion of things, some of which directly affect his life in many ways?
    On what forum would you think political opinions should be kept? Even a political science major is affected, bias, forms opinions, based somewhat on his enviroment, and the gang he learned from.
    I just hope you don't think every so called expert on the news is where all the experts on this subject are.
  • John R. Hall
    John R. Hall Member Posts: 2,245
    Striking contrast

    What I also noticed were the large number of young people on the Mall and the large number of elderly people on the podium sans Obama. That was a striking disparity. Maybe the election will begin a domino effect that will see younger politicians unseat crusty old-timers who probably should have retired long ago, i.e. Kennedy and Byrd.

    We can always thank them for their service while encouraging them to enjoy their retirement years.
  • I wouldn't,

    most news reporters think the furnace is down in the boiler room. ;)
  • Historic?

    41 Degree Days. 2 Service Calls. 12 PM Checks. Follow up on 2 Commercial Out of Oils. No Parking Tickets. In D. C. Yep. That's Historic.

  • Norm Harvey
    Norm Harvey Member Posts: 684

    I bet we will certainly have a lot to debate at the next MA ugly *grins* I hope to see you there!

    Debate over the issues is what makes this country great. It should always be encouraged, and the founding father, whom I greatly admire and many of them being craftsman that took time away from their trades for political service, had a great many heated debates over the issues of the day.

    As far as the website. I am likely wrong,.. but I imagine this forum as a kind of big ugly, where a bunch of industry guys and gals sit down over a pint and talk shop. Other patrons at the bar join in the discussion and away we go.

    Some nights after work we talk about work, others nights about a different topic, politics included in the mix. *shrug*

    I think most people choose to abstain from political discussion because a lot of people cannot respect a differance of opinion, takes things personally, and things get out of hand.

    For example, the FM Talk radio station I listen to during the day in between calls has both Right Wing Nutjobs, AND Lefty Loonys, and although the various hosts disagree with each other on almost every single issue, they all have respect for each other.

    If we could all learn to respectfully disagree, I think in general people would get along better with each other.

    What boils my blood lately is the notion that if you disagree with the current administrations policies, you are somehow a racist hate monger.

    I's love to sit down and hang out some night after work. maybe if we go to western MA we could get Gary Wilson, Ruthe, and of course Mr. Dr. Pepper himself. It would be fun.

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  • Steven Eayrs
    Steven Eayrs Member Posts: 33
    Mr. Mass

    Sorry if I misunderstood you. I take it you were not refering to a certain class of folk (us) here on the net, not being qualified for an opinion on politics, but maybe you were refering to "there is a place and time for everything". I agree.
    I jumped the gun a little. Most a little over sersitive, due to an abundance of indifference around me. So many years of not giving a rip what happens in politics, as long as I can go on with life, seemingly unaffected, has been bad for us. As with most things in life, if we really want to see change, we get involved. THere has been way too much complaniing about what happens, and who does it, and very little involvement. The current $$$ problems in the country, as well as wars and such, is a wakeup call. We can't think we don't make a difference anymore. Lack of involvement will lead to a few to continue to do what thay want for personal gain, while we afterwards complain about it.Involvement is having an opinion and letting them know it is a valid one.
    The beauty of this country is we are free to have opinions. If we start thinking we don't quality to form opinions in the political realm, we will (and do) lose the option to affect that part of life around us.
    Sad fact is there are many who think the average Joe doesn't have enough political savy to have an opinion that counts. I say we do.
  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883
    The pendulum swings


    For eight years if you disagreed with the administration you where a anti-American liberal bed wetter. Questioning authority means you care.


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  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883
    The pendulum swings


    For eight years if you disagreed with the administration you where a anti-American liberal bed wetter. Questioning authority means you care.


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  • mtfallsmikey
    mtfallsmikey Member Posts: 765
    A historic day indeed

    A day I pretty much wrote off to never happen. I wish our new President the best, hopes and prayers abound. But for some of us "boomers" and "Me generation" types with good or preserved memories, it may be a rerun of the Carter years...new prez comes out of nowhere, speaks of "change"...when I got my mortgage on my house in '82, interest rates had backed down to 13 1/2% from 21%, we "needed" to turn down our t-stats,etc.,etc. I hope it isn't a rerun...for my kids/grandkids sake.
  • Norm Harvey
    Norm Harvey Member Posts: 684

    Thanks Scott!
    Both me and Kelly had a good laugh at that. I wish I had known about the "liberal bed-wetter" the past eight years as I would have thrown that around a LOT!

    *Grins* That was great,.. I've been chuckling all day.

    I suppose I still could use that moniker in the future.

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