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Loud exhaust

Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405

The burner was not setup - I will ask my contractor about this. However, the burner itself is pretty quiet - all of the noise is from the exhaust.

The contractor did a good job at minimizing the space the boiler takes up but it sounds like the downside is the exhaust noise. There is no way to go straight out of the boiler - a 90 has to be connected directly to the boiler.

I am going to try to isulate the pipe to see if this makes the noise more bearable.



  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405

    I recently had my 80 year old boiler replaced with a Vitola 200 (natural gas burner ) with Vitocell DHW tank and a Vitotronic 200 control. This choice was made partly due to the excellent advice I received on this board (thank you).

    While the burner itself is much quieter than the one it replaced, the exhaust seems to be significantly louder - it sounds like the airflow has gone up and it is accompanied with a low rumbling sound. Note that the chimney liner is a 5" stainless steel liner.

    Is there anyway to reduce the noise of the exhaust? What about insulating the exhaust piping between the boiler and the chimney entrance? What type of insulation should be used (the piping gets pretty hot)? Can the chimney liner be replaced with something quieter?

    I havent consulted the installer about this problem yet but I will when he returns in a week for an unrelated issue.

  • Ken_40
    Ken_40 Member Posts: 1,320
    Where's the noise...

    Coming from? Basement, chimney, in the walls, outdoors?

    Inside or outside chimney? One floor, 2 or more...

    It all helps

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  • is your installer

    Is your installer a Harley biker? He may did it to sounds like a loud exhaust...
  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405

    The sound is loudest in that basement near the boiler itself. However, you can here it all the way up on the second level as well especially towards the wall that contains the chimney.

    It is pretty tough to hear outside of the house.
  • justme_5
    justme_5 Member Posts: 1
    Loud Boiler

    Viessmann offers a flue gas silencer
  • joe_14
    joe_14 Member Posts: 138

    you should have at least a 2 foot stright of pipe coming of the back of the boiler before you 90 into the chimney. this will allow for trhe velocity of the flue gases to slow a bit and not be so turbulant.

    just my 2 cents joeg.
  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405

    There is a 90 directly out of the boiler followed by around 2 feet of straight vent pipe, followed by a tee into the chimney (the other side of the tee is the flap plus spill switch). I am not sure there is much room to change the design much - it is pretty tight.
  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405

    Is the flue gas silencer available for my boiler? I did a quick search on Viessmann and it seems to be only mentioned on other boilers.

    Do you have any details on this silencer?

  • American plumber
    American plumber Member Posts: 89

    I dont think you have enough space for a viess.unit.You might try the buderus or selkirk tech. help hotline to get some specs on their 5" units.Sealing all smoke pipe with hi-temp silicon and insulating it will also help.
  • burner

    Have you had the burner set up properly? The fuel adjustment may be off, not enough make up air? they do make a silencer but it may not fit from the discription you have given.
  • Like Mike

    I would suspect a set-up problem.

  • myles_2
    myles_2 Member Posts: 7

    bmac, viessmann makes a muffler for the vitola to quiet operation. But in my opinion the flue pipe is installed wrong,you need at minumum 18 inches before the first elbow.any closer will cause noise from the flue gasses
  • justme_6
    justme_6 Member Posts: 1

    The Vitola does have a silencer. Contact Viessmann. The Vitola is a pretty quiet boiler. I would look at venting and burner set-up. Was a combustion test done? Just because Viessmann perfoms a combustion test on the burner prior to shipping, doesn't mean the burner doesn't have to be tested once installed.
  • rfriend
    rfriend Member Posts: 2
    loud gas boiler exhaust

    I have a 2-year old Burnham PVG gas boiler that is power vented through the side of my house.  My neighbors about 30 feet away complain of the noise, and I think they are right.  Any suggestions as to how I can reduce the noise?  Mufflers?  Wrapping pipe in insulation?  Adding turns/length so noise is attenuated by the time it leaves the house?  If i decide to build a chase to the roof, what can I do to minimize the size of the chase?
  • Roland_18
    Roland_18 Member Posts: 147

    Hi rf,

    I have had a PVG-4 in service for the past 5 years. I agree it does produce some noise from the fan, but not so loud  that I find it disturbing. Then again, the previous boiler was an oil-fired antique which could really produce quite a roar so the PVG sounds relatively quiet in comparison.

    It could be that your vent pipe is pointing directly at your neighbor's house. You might try angling the end of the vent down towards the ground but keeping it above your snow line. I'm no expert but, running a pipe up to the roof using the recommended s.s. pipe could be rather pricey.
  • rfriend
    rfriend Member Posts: 2
    PVG Loud Exhaust help

    Roland thanks for the tips.  You're right I should try different configurations outside first (point it away from them, either down or back).  It's 8 feet off the ground, so snow line is not a problem.  Can the exhaust be looped inside to attentuate noise?  it's only 10 feet from boiler to outside, plenty to make a loop with (50 ft max equivalent with fittings).   The noise doesn't bother me, the problem is its the city so they're close by and it faces them.  Do I have to use Burnham exhaust parts?  
  • Roland_18
    Roland_18 Member Posts: 147

    Hi rf,

    I can't help you with routing the pipe in a loop as I'm not a boiler expert. i also don't know if you need to use OEM Burnham pipe.

    Perhaps you could try to post your question as a separate thread so it will get wider exposure. 

    Best, Roland
  • DeeDeeM
    DeeDeeM Member Posts: 4
    Loud Smith gas boiler with Powerflame burner

    I am having an issue with my Smith 28A-S10 gas boiler and PowerFlame burner creating a jet engine noise.  This noise is disturbing to residents on the first through third floors of my building. I was told to put a silencing plenum in the exhaust breech duct.  I am concerned about opening up this duct and spending thousands of dollars if this does not work.  Any ideas?
  • DeeDeeM
    DeeDeeM Member Posts: 4
    Loud Smith gas boiler with Powerflame burner

    I am having an issue with my Smith 28A-S10 gas boiler and PowerFlame burner creating a jet engine noise.  This noise is disturbing to residents on the first through third floors of my building. I was told to put a silencing plenum in the exhaust breech duct.  I am concerned about opening up this duct and spending thousands of dollars if this does not work.  Any ideas?
  • Henry
    Henry Member Posts: 998
    Cannot modify

    One cannot modify the venting from what is in the manufacturers certified I & O manual! It is illegal and can be dangerous! The manufacturer specifies how the vent must exit the dwelling. You cannot vary from it without a derogation by the AHJ which would require among many other things a letter from the manufacturers engineering department!
  • Henry
    Henry Member Posts: 998

    Again, if Smith does not have it in their I & O manual, you cannot do it! You need to get the burner properly adjusted as well as the baffle at the back of the boiler. Sometime a barometric damper is needed depending on chimney height. It is all in the I & O manual.
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