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Residential Oil Meter

TGO_54 Member Posts: 327
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  • Rob_43
    Rob_43 Member Posts: 2
    Residential Oil Meter

    I have three oil tanks in my house so I can buy in the fall whne it is typically less expensive. It has worked well so far. However, I would like to keep an accurate account of how much fuel I am using.

    Does anyone know of a meter that I can put in line that will show the gallons consumed? Resettable would be best but either would work well.

  • Larry C_7
    Larry C_7 Member Posts: 4
    Measuring oil consumption.

    IF, you do not have a recirculating oil line, how about an hourmeter on the fuel pump motor? (Nozzle flow rate) x (pressure correction factor) x (pump run time)= gallons consumed.

    Assuming pump pressure does not vary, that should give a precise measure of actual fuel use.

    Larry C
  • TGO_54
    TGO_54 Member Posts: 327

    Ista company, they used to make a small certified oil meter. Non-resetable so you will have to track deliverys.

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  • chapchap70_2
    chapchap70_2 Member Posts: 147
    meter or clock

    An oil flow meter will properly measure consumption only if there is one oil line that connects to the burner and no return to the tank(s). Oil flow meters are typically used in commercial applications because most homeowners find them too expensive.

    An oil burner run clock may be problematic with burners with pre and post purge controls. With these burners, the motor runs for periods when no oil is being consumed. If there is a way to get around this so a clock measures consumption accurately, I don't know about it.

    Edited to add link
  • brucewo1b
    brucewo1b Member Posts: 638
    How about

    putiing it on the wire to the selenoid valve on four or six wire controls I know it doesn't help with delay oil valves
  • brucewo1b
    brucewo1b Member Posts: 638
    How about

    putting it on the wire to the selenoid valve on four or six wire controls I know it doesn't help with oil delay valves
  • Rob_43
    Rob_43 Member Posts: 2

    I do not have a return to the tank. I have the three tanks connect into a manifold then one 1/4" (ish) line running to the burner.

    Possibly they will be too expensive. Most meters I have found are not accurate down to the low flow rate a residential burner uses.

    Thanks, I'll keep looking.
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