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boiler size

Weezbo Member Posts: 6,232
just thought i would roll that by you. here. you get to do your own thinking :)

The spirit will lead you...:)


  • Pete_30
    Pete_30 Member Posts: 5
    size of boiler

    Had a plumber come out and give me a price for new boiler. It is for a rental unit 2nd floor of a masonry building. The apt is 1200 sqft with baseboard running around the perimeter of the whole unit. I am sure it not insulated the greatest but know there is insulation rolled above the drop ceiling. He recommended a slantfin/Sentinel Se 105. Does that seem to be oversized?
  • Pete_30
    Pete_30 Member Posts: 5

  • Joe Brix
    Joe Brix Member Posts: 626

    I think what Weezbo is trying to tell you is this: There is no way for any of us here to tell you if that is the correct size boiler. Ask the plumber to show you his heat loss calculation. If he can't, then find a heating guy who knows what he is doing. Simply looking at the amount of radiation tells you absolutely nothing about a hot water heat system.

    Once you find someone who knows how to properly size a boiler (or maybe your plumber does? if so, he should be able to show you), then feel free to come back with any questions you may have.

  • Pete_30
    Pete_30 Member Posts: 5

    okay I will go back and ask him how he came up wtih that. I have feeling he didnt do any calculations.
  • Joe Brix
    Joe Brix Member Posts: 626

    And hopefully he can provide them to you for your viewing!

    Just as an aside, If it were me, I would not just GIVE them to a client without charging for my services to perform the calcs. It can be a fairly time consuming process to accurately calculate the building load, and then engineer a properly sized and designed boiler, along with any needed system piping changes.

    That ain't free!!!!!! As long as you know that he is following the proper procedure, you can proceed accordingly, though.

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