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Radiator Vent location

One a one pipe system, the vent should be located on the opposite end of the rad from the valve and about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way up. If there is a plug there, you probably won't get it out and will have to drill it out. I use a grinder to get the plug flat, **** punch the center and drill it out. It would be adventageous to have a 1/8" NPT tap to chase the threads.


  • Guest_5
    Guest_5 Member Posts: 35
    Vent location?

    Hi, just a few questions before I just order new vents and have someone over to re-vent my radiators.

    I have some radiators with vents on the top instead of near the middle(and some apparently on the wrong side?) Thing is, I can see the plugs on some of the radiators ON the valve side.

    Would the wplacements of the vents cause hammering or cause the boiler to short cycle? I know it causes uneven heating.

    Last question: I seem to have trouble removing the plugs so I can place the vent there. What tools do I need?

    Thank you in advance

  • Guest_5
    Guest_5 Member Posts: 35

    So I presume the placement of the vents have nothing or little to do with any hammering?
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