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Seems logical...

Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405
Dealing with grossly oversized older steam boiler, here (2X) and have a knows-just-enough-to-be-dangerous kind of homeowner question that I'm fretting over. Trying to get operating pressure down to recommmended levels (well below 2#) as opposed to the current which is pushing 4 and 5#. (Here comes the potentially dumb question) Because the boiler is so oversized, will trying to crank back the operating pressure this far cause short cycling? The analogy I'm thinking of is something like pulling weeds with a Mack truck. Barking up the wrong tree, here? What add-on fine tuning pressure gage would be appropriate?


  • you're barking at the right tree

    Hi Patrick,

    You are thinking correctly, an oversized or overfired boiler can build pressure quickly. Increased venting can sometimes minimize it.

    You can crank it down a little at a time and check the results. Does your boiler cycle on and off with the pressre control now? It can be a fine balance until you replace the boiler with a proper size. Have you had a professional check it out?

    To get a better idea of the actual pressure, you can add a zero to 5# pressure gauge.

    Best regards, Pat
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