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Freight Train Radiator

the #6 vented too fast for the rad. The steam came up so fast that the condensate couldn't drain back, resulting in the rumbling.

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  • DK_5
    DK_5 Member Posts: 18
    Freight Train Radiator

    I have a second floor bathroom radiator that vents like a freight train woke us up last night thought the vent had let go. Vent is a brand new Gorton #6, branch is the last one off the main before returning to boiler. Main is vented with a new Gorton#2. Should I try a slower venting valve? None of the other radiators in the house do this. Radiator is 3 tube, 9 secton, 20" high thin tube type.
  • DK_5
    DK_5 Member Posts: 18
    Freight Train Radiator

    No takers? I switched to a Gorton#5 and it seems to have fixed the problem. I do have another question. When the boiler shuts down I have one large radiator which the air vent opens for about 15 - 30 seconds what is going on here any thoughts would help
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