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Dropped Headers

Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405
linky http://forums.invision.net/Thread.cfm?CFApp=2&Thread_ID=44222&mc=16



  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405
    Dropped Headers

    So they look pretty and everyone loves em but I know nothing about them except that they help dry out the steam. What else would make them a great benefit to a one-pipe steam system like my own?
  • Norm Harvey
    Norm Harvey Member Posts: 684

    If you have enough height from your waterline to your lowest steam carrying pipe or header, you dont NEED a drop header.

    Rule of thumb would be 29 inches from your water line to your header.

    Some pictures of your pping?

    Best thing you can do to improve your performance would be a vaporstat, new vents, insulating the mains, etc,... not necessarily new near boiler piping.

    Pics would be a good way to see what could be best for you.

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  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    The best reson

    You metioned Thats the reason, i do most all with a drop headerfor the cost of a nip and a 90° you get huge benifits!

  • Norm Harvey
    Norm Harvey Member Posts: 684

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  • Dan_29
    Dan_29 Member Posts: 111
    dropped header feedback

    I have heard that a dropped header slows down the steam velocity exiting the boiler and near piping preventing the boiler from "lifting" water out of the boiler which makes unwanted "wet" steam. I had a dropped header installed with my new boiler. The result has bee no more spitting and hissing in my raidators.

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