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chimney pipe vs liner

Jim_109 Member Posts: 45
what is the difference between chimney pipe and liner? A website has both for sale. Both were stainless steel. One flexable, the other not.

I have an 85 year old chimney in the center of my home. I was told by two different chimney companys that the chimney is in good condition and does not need either. However, I am considering changing my 50 year old oil fired oversized boiler to 87% AFUE model. Based on another posting it appears I may need either, otherwise I may get condensation/leakage by using a low mass boiler. What do you think? THANKS!!!!


  • Al Letellier_9
    Al Letellier_9 Member Posts: 929

    > what is the difference between chimney pipe and

    > liner? A website has both for sale. Both were

    > stainless steel. One flexable, the other

    > not.


    > I have an 85 year old chimney in the

    > center of my home. I was told by two different

    > chimney companys that the chimney is in good

    > condition and does not need either. However, I am

    > considering changing my 50 year old oil fired

    > oversized boiler to 87% AFUE model. Based on

    > another posting it appears I may need either,

    > otherwise I may get condensation/leakage by using

    > a low mass boiler. What do you think? THANKS!!!!

  • Al Letellier_9
    Al Letellier_9 Member Posts: 929

    Contact a good chimney sweep or a mason for this job. It's not a DYI job.....flexible stainless steel chimney liner is the product to use. It all comes down to terminology and chimney pipe to me means the breech piping between the boiler and the chimney. It may mean something else to somebody else.......
  • Al Letellier_9
    Al Letellier_9 Member Posts: 929

    Contact a good chimney sweep or a mason for this job. It's not a DYI job.....flexible stainless steel chimney liner is the product to use. It all comes down to terminology and chimney pipe to me means the breech piping between the boiler and the chimney. It may mean something else to somebody else.......
  • Chris_82
    Chris_82 Member Posts: 321
    As a rule,...

    Your chimney and liner needs to be properly sized for the boiler. This depends upon the size of the boiler, height of chimney, and particular fuel used. Do you go to a hospital website to learn how to do surgery? Get a lic. Trade person, which has done this sort of thing for a living. Too many chimneys are put into service because the plumber or heat tech or homeowner thinks a chimney is a chimney. You can easily cause major masonry problems in one to three years by not properly sizing your chimneys, never mind the health risks.
  • JimH
    JimH Member Posts: 89
    not quite like surgery...

    This is definitely an advanced DIY project that requires some serious study and appreciation of the risks involved.
    I think it's comparable to rebuilding the front end on
    the family minivan in the level of risk involved, both
    to the guy who's doing it, and their family if the work
    is not done right.

    Unfortunately, while finding a "licensed trained professional" is pretty easy, finding one who is actually
    willing and able to do a top quality job is very dif-
    ficult, as we all know. Everyone here has seen plenty of
    garbage installed by "licensed, trained" unscrupulous

    That's why we homeowners value a site like the wall, be-
    cause even if you don't want to climb up on the roof and
    fiddle with the chimney yourself, when you know exactly
    how the job should be done and what the best practices are,
    it becomes a *lot* easier to separate the hacks from the


  • Rich Kontny_3
    Rich Kontny_3 Member Posts: 562
    Not Many..

    Not many Dale Carnegie course graduates here but they mean well and are very sincere!!

    Rich K.

    Make Peace Your Passion!
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