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Physician - heal thyself! (GrandPAH)

All coments welcomed(G). Kinda like the guy who called to complain about his furnace short-cycling a few weeks ago during mild weather. Seems a "friend" told him it was oversized - without knowing a darn thing about heating. Naturally, the customer (no doubt gets advice at the big box stores too) took that to the bank and gave me hell. Never mind it was 55-F outdoors and the system was sized to handle 0-F. D'OH!


  • logic to be applied

    Nothing like visiting with a completely intact Broomell system to revive the steam senses! However, the Doctor's office room was a tad cold & he was told (by a friend) that the fix was easy - just install a zone valve.

    The RX for the Doc's office-room is not a zone valve - it's to take out the dag-gonned window A/C unit with its widely extended vinyl do-flinky gap-stoppers. The draft could be felt from across the room!

    Coulda sold a bunch of stuff there today, but the Gods of Broomell vapor/vacuum would have haunted me the rest of me days! Too bad there wasn't some snot-nosed reporter hiding in the wings with hidden cameras trying to catch crooked contractors in a sting.
  • Jeff Lawrence_25
    Jeff Lawrence_25 Member Posts: 746

    (Sorry if I'm hijacking this thread)

    Listening to friends may not be the best idea. I looked at a project recently where the homeowner had listened to a 'friend' and ripped all the hot water baseboard and went with forced air heat system (supply's and returns in the ceiling!). The boiler was less than 10 years old in a 50 year old house.
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