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Just got to speak with Darin

Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405
I can't wait to screw up your orders also!!! Yippie

Men Without Hats


  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
    My best friend

    Saw his post, early there, late here.

    He called.

    Keep up with the prayers. The deployed need and appreciate them.

    I'll have an update soon on Darin's return. Til then.

    It was a real treat to talk to Darin. A bazillion miles away.

    I have venison for his freezer and a cold New Castle for his return. Several in fact.

    CHT will be closed for a couple days when he gets home.(NO heat calls not included)

    Soon my friends, soon.

    Have a GREAT DAY Darin.

    I miss you.

    Mark H

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  • Stay safe my friend...

    And watch out fo ryour bretheren and sisteren. We need you ALL back home.

    On the list...

  • Darin Cook_6
    Darin Cook_6 Member Posts: 41
    Can't wait to get home!!

    I am just counting the days right now. It will be AWESOME to get home and see everyone. My kids can't wait for Dad to get back. So many little things we take for granted at home and don't have here. Like BEER!!!! There will be a big celebration when I get home. I thank all of you here on the Wall for all of your prayers and support. It meant more than my words can say. There are so many good people on this site that I am very proud to call friends!!

    Till then I will nurse my "near" beers, keep my body armor close, and keep my powder dry!

    P.S. Many Thanks to Dan Holohan. This site helped keep a piece of my "real" life close at hand. The "Wall" in Iraq? Priceless !!!!!!!

    TSGT Darin Cook
    Air Expeditionary Forces
  • Brad White_168
    Brad White_168 Member Posts: 10


    Your return when it happens will be a holiday for many of us, especially your children. The example you have set stands apart.

    Safe Home, Darin

  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883

    So that you know Pal, you have been inmy thoughts Dailey !!

    Hope you are safe and keep your head down.

    Can't wait to see the reunion photos.


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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
    Counting the days.

    I hope Joe is also home soon. I hope they all are.
    Retired and loving it.
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