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cast iron radiator removal

lee_7 Member Posts: 457
Please, do not break up radiators. These are hard to find, if they don't leak. There are salvage yards that will pirchase them, or contact a local hvac Pro and inquire and them purchasing.


  • sillajm
    sillajm Member Posts: 1
    Radiator Removal

    I am converting to central heat and need to remove 10 or 12 2 pipe cast iron radiators and pipes. I also need to disconnect from boiler as well. Thought I would save some $$ and do it myself. Any tips that may make it safe and easier? How do I drain them? Can I just cut them or break them up? Suggestions pleasse!
  • David Sutton_6
    David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
    where are you located?

  • Jeff Lawrence_25
    Jeff Lawrence_25 Member Posts: 746
    Are you ready?

    Your 'central' heat will be drafty.

    Your 'central' heat will quite possibly be noisy.

    Your 'central' heat may aggravate allergies.

    Your 'central' heat can actually dry out the air. You can add a humidifier to your central heat system, but it may not work quite well enough.

    You can have air conditioning and keep the radiators. Properly tuned, your radiator system can be the best form of heat out there. You just need to find someone that knows what they are doing, not (as Dan says) a knucklehead.

    Think about it. There may be a contractor listed in the "Find A Professional" section of this site, but if there isn't, at least post where you are. There may be someone on your area that can help you.

    Good luck.
  • Matt Undy
    Matt Undy Member Posts: 256

    Don't forget about the pressure differentials from forced air increasing infiltration(the reason it is dry heat)

    and how much more easily zoned steam/hot water are.

    Is the system steam or hot water?
  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    Removing those radiators

    is the absolute worst thing you can do. Unless they're all frozen and burst that is. You will NEVER experience the comfort level of radiator heat from a forced-air system, and forced-air will likely burn more fuel as well.


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  • yea, really....

    Why would u give up the most comfortable heat when its well maintain? Did some did some "air"head saleperson said anything to u to give it up? If u are not conviced, sell ur home to someone that'll appreaicated the radaitors heated home...
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