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Steam Heat system inspection/maintainance

Jeff, I do this stuff for a living, and do a lot of it...here in Maine. And I've been as far as Bridgewater CT to consult on steam heat, but it wouldn't be very cost effective for you to have me come all that way. Use the find a pro section. You should be able to find someone. If not, let me know, I have a few contacts in that area and might be able to lead you to someone. aclheatdoctor@verizon,net


  • Jeff K.
    Jeff K. Member Posts: 2
    Steam heat system inspection/maintainance

    My home's steam heating system seems to be running fine, but I don't know if it could be running even more efficiently.

    In reading "We Got Steam Heat", I am wondering if there is a process that I can pay for to have someone who really knows steam systems come in and look mine over.

    I hesitate to mess with it, but all I do is blow down the system weekly during the heating season. I have no clue how well the traps, vents, etc. are performing or holding up.

    Any suggestions?

    Jeff in Danbury, CT
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