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Tunstall capsules

Kevin_53 Member Posts: 5
Thanks for the info...Have checked out their web site and found it very informative, the construction of the Tunstall capsule looks very rugged indeed.

I was just hoping to find someone who had actually installed either replacement elements in existing traps or put in new traps and could testify firsthand as to the increased lifespan of said traps...It's not that I doubt Mr. Tunstalls' word, it's just that I'm looking to make a sizable investment in trap parts and I'd like to be 100% sure that these things are "as advertised"...


  • William Faust
    William Faust Member Posts: 168
    Tunstall capsules

    I want to use Tunstall capsules to repair my Trane B1 thermostatic steam traps. I understand that there are several varieties of B1 traps, so I opened one. It came apart in two pieces. The first piece is the cover under which a bellows and pin are attached; they don't look removable. The second piece looks like a (brass) shot glass with a hole at the bottom; no moving or removable parts there.

    Will the capsules work? If so, does the correct Tunstall capsule include a new cover since I apparently can't separate the existing cover from its attached bellows and pin?
  • Jim Bennett
    Jim Bennett Member Posts: 607

    They do make kits for traps with removable and non removable bellows and seats. Probably best to call them.



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  • Jim Bennett
    Jim Bennett Member Posts: 607

    They do make kits for traps with removable and non removable bellows and seats. Probably best to call them.



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  • Kevin_53
    Kevin_53 Member Posts: 5
    Tunstall lifespan VS OEM trap elements

    I was wondering if anyone has experience in measuring the lifespan of the Tunstall capsule VS an OEM product...would like to see if someone has hard evidence on this subject. I've got a building full of Dunham-Bush (Mepco)traps that are about 20 yrs old and some are starting to fail...any info is greatly appreciated!

  • William Faust
    William Faust Member Posts: 168
    dunham-bush traps

    They don't have to fail; they can just not open and close at the right temp (time).

    Tunstall's website says that their Tunstall capsules, made entirely of stainless steel, were first made in 1985 and that "Their warranty performance since that time has resulted in a practically nonexistent failure rate." That's theoretically a trouble-free 21 or 22 yrs...unless some aren't failing but are just not opening and closing at the right temp. That is supposed to be minimized by their stainless steel fabrication.

  • tp tunstall
    tp tunstall Member Posts: 63
    tunstall capsules

    over the years trane made a variety of b-1 traps. some with integral seats, some with removeable seats, some with integral bellows and some with removeable bellows and combinations of all mentioned. from the outside appearance,; you really can't tell!! gotta take them apart and take a look. we have what ever is required, cover and all! and yes, each unit is tested and calibrated . water hammer is the devil in steam systems, we can't control that. with proper pitch and piping these stainless steel babies last forever!!!
    t.p. tunstall - they got my name on them!
  • did you see it?

    Hi T.P.,

    Did you see the January issue of "Contracting Business"? I got a free plug in for you. That's the payback for that crab cake dinner you bought me in Baltimore at Wetstock.

    Best regards, Pat
  • William Faust
    William Faust Member Posts: 168
    Tunstall capsules

    If they get Steamhead's coveted seal of approval (he told me yes earlier), they have to be good.
  • Kevin_53
    Kevin_53 Member Posts: 5
    Steamhead ;>)

    You have my attention...just who is this "Steamhead" person and has he sought out medical help for this condition ;>).

    Seriously, I'd enjoy reading what he has to say on the above mentioned traps, any info is greatly appreciated!

  • tp tunstall
    tp tunstall Member Posts: 63
    tunstall capsules

    pat. i didn't see the plug.....but if as good as the crabcake dinner...it can't be beat! thanks, t.p. tunstall
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