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Loud Humming from pipes in basement

Ed_26 Member Posts: 284
If it starts when the burner comes on, most likely the fuel lines (tank hum). If so, start by isolating them from joists/studs etc. Have you had some service done lately?
If it starts when circ. pump comes on, check pump & piping.


  • Jeannette
    Jeannette Member Posts: 2
    What could be causing this sound?

    Every time the heat starts to come up, there is a loud humming noise and vibrations in the floor, there is no banging in the pipes and I can't find the exact location of the sound. What could it be? It's a oil steam boiler in a 3 story building. Please Help!
  • Jeannette
    Jeannette Member Posts: 2

    Thank you for your quick reply, the boiler man who looked at it, said that was normal. I know that loud hum and vibration is not. So thank you again, I'll have someone else come and fix it.
  • Tom M.
    Tom M. Member Posts: 237
    If it is oil line hum,

    he may not be hearing it in the basement. This is a strange sound that can sometimes not be heard unless you are in a specific room upstairs. If you have an overhead oil line, there is a good chance that this is your problem.
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