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Computer Question

Dmitri_2 Member Posts: 11


  • Al_19
    Al_19 Member Posts: 170
    Computer Question

    I recently downloaded upgrades to Windows, and ended up with a new Internet Explorer(IE 7.0 I think). I can no longer copy/paste in Wall threads. If someone types in a web address, I can highlight it, then go to "Edit" and "copy " it. But when I click in the address window and then go back to "Edit", the "paste" button is disabled. So I can't paste the address into the address window.

    Any ideas??


    PS---I can copy/paste the code letters required to post this.
  • Patchogue Phil_29
    Patchogue Phil_29 Member Posts: 121
    another way to paste

    Press the "Ctrl" key hold it and press "v". That will paste whatever is in the clipboard buffer.

    Ctrl-c is copy
    Ctrl-x is cut and copy

    Hope this helps
  • Al_19
    Al_19 Member Posts: 170

    Thanks Phil,

    The Control V worked.

    I still don't understand why it doesn't work from the "Edit" dropdown menu.

  • Joe Brix
    Joe Brix Member Posts: 626
    I just tried it.....

    ....and you're right! I just upgraded a week ago, and had not realized this!!!!! An easier solution than contol-V is just to highlight the text, then right-click and select "copy" from the menu that appears. Highlight the address bar, right click again, and select "paste." (I tried it to double check that it works before posting this)

    Another cool feature of IE 7 is the "tabs" feature. You can open multiple "tabs" of web pages and have them active at the same time, instead of browsing separately. This is really nice when someone posts multiple pictures. Hold the "control" key, and click an internet link, and it will open the link as a new "tab." If you do this on multipe picture (or any web address) links, each will open as its own tab, so the download time is faster!!!

    Pretty cool!

  • midway_2
    midway_2 Member Posts: 42

    Try going to < http://www.computerhope.com > for short-cuts and answers to problems you may run into.
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