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Adding Radiators to existing system

Are you the same Bob with the rather enviable balance in your steam system (the rads heat further across as the weather gets colder?

A hot water loop using the condensate would likely be much easier than trying to use steam in the basement.


  • Robert Knox
    Robert Knox Member Posts: 5
    Adding Radiators to an existing system

    Hi all,

    I would like to add some radiators to my existing system.

    1. My basement gets very cold and does a great job of bringing the temperature down on the first floor (hardwood floors). I also plan on building a shop down there very soon. Someone suggested tapping into the existing steam system, and just adding a radiator in the basement. Will this work considering the radiator would be at or below the level of the boiler (I have a radiator that I removed from our kitchen that would definitely not be classified as a wall mount).

    2. I would like to add a radiator to our enclosed porch. There is a working radiator just on the other side of an exterior wall of the house. I was thinking of just tapping into the riser on that one.

    What are the issues with adding such radiators? One I can think of is load vs. boiler size. However, since one of them had already existed in the kitchen, we're only talking about one extra radiator. In fact, I'm currently concerned with the boiler over-firing (if that's the correct term).

    Thanks for any help.

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