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Rewire Zones to avoid Short Cycle

Certainly you can parallel the relay type thermostats to energize both zones simultaneously with no detriment to any of the system components. If I’m correct, what you’re doing is trying to increase the load to minimize the short cycling of the boiler. This may help achieve your objective, but not without some complications; if one thermostat is calling and you heat both zones the area not calling for heat may overheat. Hopefully this helps.
Joe Mattiello
N. E. Regional Manger, Commercial Products
Taco Comfort Solutions


  • JohnL
    JohnL Member Posts: 38
    Rewire Taco Zone controller to avoid Short Cycle

    I have two zones (Zone A Garage) and (Zone B Basement)that are relatively small and my boiler short cycles. I want to wire the Taco Zone Valve Controller so that when Zone A calls for heat Zone B also opens and When Zone B calls for Heat Zone A also opens. Could this be a problem when both zone a and zone b call for heat

    Zone A has a digital thermostat with batteries and Zone B has a TekMar 510 programmable thermostat.

    thank you

  • burninben
    burninben Member Posts: 33

    Or you could just put in a differential bypass

  • That won't help with short cycling.

    You can interlock the zones, but then one or the other will overheat, period, probably the basement... unless somehow their loads/emitters are very, very similar.

    You can do this either way, but assuming the garage calls more than the basement, I would choose that as the "lead zone".. rig it up so the basement can only get heat if the garage is calling. Or vice versa, if the basement has a real load and is finished space so temperature swings are not ok.

    This may not absolutely remove all possibility of ever short cycling, but it will reduce it quite a bit.
  • Xc8p2dC_2
    Xc8p2dC_2 Member Posts: 150
    Had a similar experiance

    Disconnected the wiring on the zone that was less important and left the ZV open and created one big zone... temp didn't vary that much from each other but that was inside and tripled on time
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