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Why NOT use Reverse Indirect (Turbomax)?

Al Corelli_2
Al Corelli_2 Member Posts: 395
Never installed one. But that won't stop me if the install manual is available.

"Fear nothing in the boiler room".

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  • D107
    D107 Member Posts: 1,860
    for retro fit and later new boiler

    I may have missed it, but only recently have I seen Wall discussions (Mark Eatherton) on reverse indirects. They seem like a far superior product to any of the standard indirects out there. Far less corrosion problems, higher heat transfer rate plus they can be used as a buffer tank to prevent short cycling.

    I spoke to the Thermo 2000 rep who said it can be piped either as a regular indirect on its own zone (good for my retrofit situation) or through the tank to use as buffer. Rep has three teenage kids and 85K DOE output boiler and has the same T-23 unit that I'm looking at. Just wondering if there are any negatives with this.


  • D107
    D107 Member Posts: 1,860
    PS Currently we are getting by with a 1989 Direct HWH

    which originally had first hour ratings of 72gph and continuous 22gph, 36k btu, so my wife and I don't use much water.

  • Al Corelli_2
    Al Corelli_2 Member Posts: 395

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  • D107
    D107 Member Posts: 1,860
    Direct water heater is almost 18 yrs old and soon to go

    So, though prior discussions were for super-stor, buderus indirects, this reverse indirect seems ideal. Ever installed any?



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