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Gas odor in NY

runsilent Member Posts: 1
There is one more option: Vocano under New York City!!!


  • Todd_18
    Todd_18 Member Posts: 5
    What happened?

    I'm surprised that I'm the first to bring this up here. So what do you guys think happened today in NY??? As of the last news report, the authorities don't know. The gas utility says there are "no leaks". Is this sewer gas? Is this weather related? Any thoughts????
  • Ray Landry_3
    Ray Landry_3 Member Posts: 94

    I heard that there where so many pipe lines in question that the local gas suppliers can only stand behind their lines which they pressure tested and not others such as duke energy, tenessee pipeline, ect. Last I heard they are now thinking it was a leak in a vessel which contained mercaptan, the additive used in natural gas to give it odor. It's definitely scary that this happened almost 12 hours ago and still noone know's an answer.

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  • Singh_5
    Singh_5 Member Posts: 41

    I had chili last night.
  • Todd_18
    Todd_18 Member Posts: 5

    I hadn't thought of that but maybe it was purely mercaptain? When I was with a propane company, someone spilled a little on the parking lot outside the office and it was literally weeks before the odor was completely gone. Even with a pressure washer, that is some potent stuff!
  • Brad White
    Brad White Member Posts: 2,399
    Oh Captain! Mercaptan!

    No thanks to Walt Whitman of course...

    A little goes a long way. It is detectable on part per tens of billions...

    Devan, you are off the hook. Mayor Bloomburg said he was waiting to pass gas or something like that.
    "If you do not know the answer, say, "I do not know the answer", and you will be correct!"

    -Ernie White, my Dad
  • Maine Doug_59
    Maine Doug_59 Member Posts: 6
    And how do you spell relief?


  • Pat Clark_2
    Pat Clark_2 Member Posts: 102
    gas smell


    That was a good one.

    multiply times 2 million people.

    temporary shut down of Manhattan.

    Pat (Alaska Time) Clark
  • Todd_18
    Todd_18 Member Posts: 5
    Now that you mention it

    A large part of the population in that immediate vicinity was involved with watching the Giants game last night. Well over 2 million people having beer & wings and there you go!!!
  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908

    You live in a state that has a rotting salmon carcass for the state flower!!!

    50 million rotting salmon vs. 2 million flatulent NYer's.

    YOU WIN!!

    **Side note** Your bears did eat that weirdo "the grizzly man",,,,so...kudos...(Or was it "grisly man"???)

    Mark H

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  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908

    You live in a state that has a rotting salmon carcass for the state flower!!!

    50 million rotting salmon vs. 2 million flatulent NYer's.

    YOU WIN!!

    **Side note** Your bears did eat that weirdo "the grizzly man",,,,so...kudos...(Or was it "grisly man"???)

    Mark H

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  • ScottMP
    ScottMP Member Posts: 5,883
    I was thinking Mercaptin Also

    Two years ago they put a little too much in the gas and we had calls for gas leaks ALL OVER TOWN. It was a little scary at first.

    A bottle of that dropped down town Manahatten would do it.


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  • JoeV_2
    JoeV_2 Member Posts: 43

    It's scary but it proves how easy it is to use biological weapons which probably won't have an odor. It's as easy as driving a truck down Lexington Avenue. Maybe it was a test to prove how unprepared the city is.

    Somebody somewhere had to know something.

  • Plumdog_2
    Plumdog_2 Member Posts: 873
    Did ya see the movie?

    Halfway thru I was like "you bears hurry up and eat that guy"
  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
    Daily News had the answer this morning.

    It was Randy Johnson, heading west to Arizona.
    Retired and loving it.
  • Techman
    Techman Member Posts: 2,144
    What was that?

    I think the city is doing a "before" test ,for the day "after" the NYC "Big Ugly" EAT,DRINK,be MERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Singh_5
    Singh_5 Member Posts: 41
    They found the source!!

    It was New Jersey !

  • Mark Hunt
    Mark Hunt Member Posts: 4,908
    I saw it

    The guy was truly nuts.

    Too bad he got his girl-friend killed as well. She wanted to leave.

    My fav part was when he had his melt down about "protecting the bears".

    Funny, the bears are still there.

    Ever hear Ron White's routine about the guy??

    Mark H

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  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440

    You have to find that and post it...Never heard it but I bet it is a scream (so to speak).


    Does the Ursine quadraped defecate in the arboreal environment?
  • Dave_4
    Dave_4 Member Posts: 1,405
    That's exactly where they do it...

    Well sometimes they do it on the road too. Anyway, one was doing just that as described above one time and he was next to a long eared cunicular quadraped who was engaged in same activity.

    So the bear asked the bunny if he ever had problems with the 'd' stuff sticking to his fur. The cunicular fella shook his head no so the ursine fella picked him up and wiped.
  • Long Beach Ed
    Long Beach Ed Member Posts: 1,235

    Mercaptan consists of Sulfur and Hydrogen,SH, plus
    a radical. For examply, ethylmercaptan has the
    formula C2H5SH.

    In large concentrations it caused central nervous seystem damage and is ised in bug spray to kill bugs.
  • It only takes about an eye dropper

    of Mercaptan being spilled to set off an entire panic in any location. The spills sometimes occur at pumping stations for utilites.

    I do however believe that there is a factory somewhere in NJ that produces Mercaptan.

    Many years ago while working for a gas company one of our plant personel spilled a small amount of mercaptan. We ended up with over 600 gas leak calls in less than 1 hour.
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