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Cork over radiant??

hr Member Posts: 6,106
as the load can be met with temperatures acceptable to the flooring manufacture.

Cork is usually a thin, tile type, product. Usually laminated to a wood core.

Bamboo is a laminate and very hard and durable. Sort of rings when you drop a piece.

I did a job about 6 years ago with bamboo and a cork border around the entire 2500 square feet. This was a Warmboard job and it performs nicely in a big glass ended home.

My brother in law put lineloum over radiant in his kitchen in Salt Lake. It comes in wide rolls, less seams and looks and feels great. Very thin to allow easy heat transfer.

hot rod

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  • Timco
    Timco Member Posts: 3,040

    I have a customer who would like warm floors installed in a bath and two bedrooms. Are cork floors ( real, I assume) OK for radiant floor heat? How about bamboo?


    Just a guy running some pipes.
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