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Issues with Return AND Away Pumping on same boiler?

D107 Member Posts: 1,860
3 zones are on return, new HW indirect will be fourth zone pumping away. We may not use DHW priority since boiler is 4x oversized. (Putting off new boiler to when required system piping can be redone.) It occurred to me that with a heat and hot water call at same time (non DHW priority) the pushing and pulling of the opposite pumping configurations could cause some problems. (perhaps DHW prioriy would negate those problems since that would keep return pumping heating and DHW supply pumping separate.




  • Al Letellier_9
    Al Letellier_9 Member Posts: 929
    pumping away and pushing

    As long as the pumps are all moving water in the same direction, you should have no problems. Depending on the indirect and the head loss thru it, the worse that can happen is a potential loss of required flow thru the indirect. Priority control would eliminate that chance.
  • Al Corelli_2
    Al Corelli_2 Member Posts: 395
    We do it all the time.

    We do not repipe anything old when adding an indirect. We just add it and pump away. It keeps the price down.

    As I have seen your system, there would be no problem doing it the way we discussed (leaving the returns small, etc.)

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  • Us too

    On existing boilers , we pump away from the boiler and expansion tank for the new indirect . And the heating circs are ALWAYS on the return side .
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