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air vent removal

jan_3 Member Posts: 2
I have just read the book "we got steam" and I ready to tackle removing the radiator air vents to check them (some radiators aren't heating up). I have heard that the vent can break off leaving the threads inside. Should I spray something on the threads prior to trying to loosen them? What do I do if the valve breaks off? Are there other things I need to be aware of? I assume I can't turn the heat back on until the valve is replaced. This is an old system so I doubt the shut off to the individual radiator will work. Maybe I should begin this process from that point, make sure the shut off works before removing the air vent. What has been your experience. Thanks Jan


  • Al Letellier_9
    Al Letellier_9 Member Posts: 929
    removing air vents

    You should have no problems if you go slow. USe a pair of channel locks if you have to to remove the vents, just go slow and easy with steady pressure. IF the vent breaks off, there is usually enough of a stub to use a small pipe wrench or locking pliers. Don't worry if the valve works. With steam all you have to do is shut off the boiler for a while. Turn it back on after the vents are changed. If one does break off, an easy out and a 1/8" NPT pipe tap will be needed. Easy job if you are mechanically inclined. If not call in a pro if the vent won't budge.
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