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Had one of these this year??

this trade sure has its share of knuckleheads, doesn't it?? So glad we've got a bunch of good guys to offset the stupidity, from the guy who did the work originally to the one you mentioned was there before you. Good work>>>>>jsut hope you had a good ground fault for those heaters......


  • Timco
    Timco Member Posts: 3,040

    As you may guess, it was a hot pipe. Previous plumber sweated the copper back together, left the frozen insulation (ice blocks) in place and flew away with a check. I put two 1500W heaters in there, enclosed it with styro insulation boards and two days later could get up to the pipes, which burst where he had fixed them. Added freeze protection and a ton of insulation.

    Just a guy running some pipes.
  • Brad White_169
    Brad White_169 Member Posts: 11
    I hope

    you carved a swan or fish out of that, Tim. Shame to waste such an articulate block of ice.
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