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sound proofing loud pipes

Leigh_2 Member Posts: 5
So since I can't fix the loud rattle heating pipe in my wall and neither will my landlord I am trying to figure out a way to at least reduce the sound so I can sleep at night. Does anyone know if there is such a thing as heat resistant foam that I could drill a hole and spray into that area where the sound comes from. The wall area where the sound comes from gets pretty hot. Any suggestion on how to reduce the sound without tearing up the wall will be helpful. Maybe I can line the wall with some sound proofing blankets?

Thanks, Leigh


  • kevin coppinger_4
    kevin coppinger_4 Member Posts: 2,124
    is this steam or...

    hot water? is it creaking or banging...makes a differance how to attack the problem...soundproofing would only be a band-aid. kpc

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  • Leigh_2
    Leigh_2 Member Posts: 5
    loud pipes

    It is a rattle or drain type sound that starts low and gets louder and louder and then hisses, then stops and a few minutes later starts again, it doesn't happen all the time, but most of the time and it happens even if both my radiators are completely shut off. I am able to locate it in one spot in the wall. I know any sound reduction strategy is only a band-aid but, a band-aid is absolutely fine with me. My landlord just says live with it is an old building in NYC so I have to take matters into my own hands. I just have to get through this winter and part of next when I finish school and can move out. So do you think spraying anything in there is a good idea?
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