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Hoffman #6

was a vacuum vent, designed for coal firing. Its throughput wasn't much.

You can replace it with any of the vents currently available. To determine which one, measure the length and diameter of the steam main and post it here. While you're at it, measure them all and upgrade all the main vents.

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  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    I've got a customer with a one pipe steam system. They have a Hoffman #6 main that's blowing steam into the basement. Since #6's aren't made anymore, what do you recommend? Hoffman 76 will work, if I can find one. Can I use a 75? Anything else you could recommend?

    Thanks guys.

    ps Does Honeywell still may vaporstats now that mercury is not allowed? If so, what's the new number?
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    Thanks Steamhead, I can probably do the calcs, just wasn't sure if I needed something exact or not. Let you know if I need more info. Thanks
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