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Radiant question

One thing I don't know a lot about is radiant. We have a customer with one zone of radiant. Covers an area roughly 20 x 40, 2 rooms. He has insufficient heat, one side of the floor is warm, one side is cold. He tells me it is a single loop, 1/2" PEX, 1200 feet long, Taco 0010 pushing it and a Sparco 3/4" mix valve. Sounds way to long to me. No manifold, just one loop. It was recommended we try a bigger circulator.

What do you think?


  • jp_2
    jp_2 Member Posts: 1,935
    reversing direction

    add a 3 way valve to reverse flow direction( change direction every 15 minutes). can the zone be 'chopped' in half or thirds?
  • ALH_4
    ALH_4 Member Posts: 1,790
    long loop

    That loop is insanely long. I think Mark Eatherton has done some work with reversing the flow periodically based on pump run-time. That might even the temperature a little.

    I would try constant circulation on that zone with outdoor reset. That will give the system a chance to reach some sort of equilibrium. You might even do this in conjunction with the flow reversing valve. It will cost them, but 1200 feet is incredibly long.

    edit: As jp said, If there is any way to break this loop into smaller pieces, that is the way to go.
  • hr
    hr Member Posts: 6,106
    \"The Long Way Around\"

    check out the April 2004 issue of www.pmmag.com for an article on long loop challanges. Siggy modeled a 1000 footer in the HDS software, in his monthly column there.

    The 4 way reverser in that article made it's way to my shop for some data logging. Here is the printout of the mid point sensor on a 800 foot loop with that Paxton reverser flopping every 15 minutes. It actually did a great job of getting the middle of the loop to a reasonable temperature.

    Paxton would love to get some more of those 4 way reversers out in the field. Contact Leif at www.paxton.com

    hot rod

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  • Rich Kontny_3
    Rich Kontny_3 Member Posts: 562
    How Often?

    Hot Rod,

    Just curious. With all the do-it-yourselfers thinking in-floor distribution systems are a no-brainer do you run into this problem often?

    I often offer ways to save to my customers $$$$ but I insist that they follow my layout in order to stick to my quotes.

    I like equal length loops with a reverse return piping arrangement.

    I apreciate the fact that there are remedies for poor design but pump life, debris turbulence and other problems must occur when flow directions are changed!

    I am a product of bid and spec work for most of my career and design is almost always done by professionals. I truly have never run into this.

    Rich K.

    Thanks , I consider you amongst the best!
  • Rich Kontny_3
    Rich Kontny_3 Member Posts: 562
    How Often?

    How often to you run into this? Can there be that many poorly designed systems out there?

    Rich K.

    Make Peace Your Passion
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