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Radiant Floor Heat

Brad White_9
Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
I am listening in on one side of a private cell phone converstation that might want to be kept private?

I dunno... Just trying to figure out the broader appeal of this thread.


  • Tom Panopoulos
    Tom Panopoulos Member Posts: 3
    Dave - You lost out

    The posting you submitted with the pictures on January 12, 2007, are not clearly shown. The contractor has not finished clipping the pipe up. I also questioned the contractor on how effective it would be to install the radiant floor heating in this manner and he took me to another house in which he installed it in the same way and the floors are very warm. The only reason we installed it in this way was because he told me if I was planning on putting hardwood floor down, it would puncture the tubing.
    I gave you the opportunity to do the job because you said you weren't busy and we could get it done quickly because I needed it complete to get the first draw on my mortgage. But after calling and calling you did not respond, I was left with no choice but to find someone else to finish the job. So it is no ones fault but your own. Don't you think a month was sufficient time to hear back from you and get it going?
  • Tom Panopoulos
    Tom Panopoulos Member Posts: 3
    You lost out

    The contractor I got to complete the job did not want to get on anyones bad side and was reluctant to do the job, but because he understood the time line I was under he agreed to finish it for me. He worked from 8:00 am to 6:30 pm Monday to Saturday until the job was complete. This installer was very professional in answer my questions and giving me the pros and cons on the different installation methods. He has been in the business for decades and knows his stuff. The trades people on this web site seem very intelligent, but I ask a lot of questions until I am satisfied with the answers.
  • don_185
    don_185 Member Posts: 312
    Thats funny Brad!

    I guess the title for this thread should be...You snooze, you lose.
  • Uni R_2
    Uni R_2 Member Posts: 589
    Tom - Do us a big favour?

    Can you do us all one huge favour? Can you call the installer and ask him what the "design temperature" is for the underfloor tubing? If it's above 140, he'll be costing you big money if you were planning on using a modulating condensing boiler. If he doesn't know, then yes he has been in business for decades but I would disagree about him knowing his stuff.

    Everyone here is looking out for your best interests - especially Dave.
  • Tom,,,,,,,,

    I`m glad you read the postings I left for you, and yes, I agree, if you snooze you lose. Without getting into a long "thing here" I was trying to design-out the proper installation for your new home, and that takes time! You only called me once, and I explained the prob I was having designing your system! As far as the install goes, I was there also on Monday and saw no changes(and you say it`s complete?) If your contractor says it will work like that,,,,,all I can say is "I Wish You Luck! I asked you in my note for another phone-call as you won`t answer mine, but you chose not to!

  • jp_2
    jp_2 Member Posts: 1,935
    similar situation

    my brother hired a heating contractor thats been in the biz for as long as i can remember, mid 70's maybe. they did a radiant heat job for my brother, 2 floors all on one zone, tile and mixed flooring, the 2nd floor stays somewhat warm only because of heat from the first floor...........2nd floor more of a loft.

    got some pictures of the finished piping?
  • Tom Panopoulos
    Tom Panopoulos Member Posts: 3

    The piping is not yet complete, the contractor got it to the point where I could at least get a draw from the bank, so I can complete it.
  • I will NOT,,,,,,,

    get into the "matter" any further here, this is not the the forum for this "kind-of" discussion. Sorry Dan, and everyone, that it was displayed here.

This discussion has been closed.