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water inside boiler water level guage

bosjim Member Posts: 17
Aside from knowing I need to install Gorton #2 main vents per Steamhead, I have a question about water spilling down from the top of the glass water level guage on the Burnham boiler. Now this is a new event. I never had noticed before until I pushed up gently on a riser to the kitchen radiator. Several years ago when we added a half bath necessitating the relocation of the kitchen radiator,(in wall style), plumber used about a 6 foot run of copper pipe and joined to the original cast iron pipe riser coming off the main.Over time with no hanger the junction where the two pipes were joined has fallen slightly (bowed). Also the copper made the rad noisy at start up with metal clanking-not water or steam type noise.
So I pushed up to see if that might stop the noise. It may have but I had to let the pipe back down! After that I saw the water in the glass guage dripping down from the top of the guage. And it begins a few minutes after the burner goes on.I will try to get a hanger and lift the pipe.
I thought (after my expertise after reading Dan's book) that I may have wet steam now. Called my oil burner service man.He came down and said all was fine! Said that was normal;I just may never had seen the dripping before. He thought the system was running well after checking some other things also.

Anyone agree or is this one of Dan's knuckleads again? Does a small amount of water leaking back into the guage not hurt the system? Is it supposed to or not. I thought it was supposed to be dry heat and hence no water coming back into guage.

My heat and system seem to be operating okay and I don't wish to poke into the system if it "ain't broke..."

Still don't get heat all across the rad in one bedroom but I know the answer to that thanks to Steamhead.

Sorry to be so long in my question but tough to explain in a short paragraph. Thank you very much.


  • Steamhead (in transit)
    Steamhead (in transit) Member Posts: 6,688
    There may have been some dirt trapped in that pipe

    which worked its way back to the boiler. Regardless, you now have a classic sign of a dirty boiler. Time to have a pro flush and skim it.

    And you may have to do this again after you install the Gorton #2 vents, since the resulting faster steam circulation may loosen more dirt which will work its way back to the boiler.

    But once the new vents are in place and the boiler is clean, you'll love the way it works.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • bosjim
    bosjim Member Posts: 17


    Thanks for responding. I wondered if I may have caused dirt to go into the system from pushing up on that copper/cast iron section! It was close to the main return-actually the last one to drain into the main before hitting the return.

    I will look into calling a pro and take care of both problems.

    Thanks again for all your help.
  • bosjim
    bosjim Member Posts: 17


    Thanks for responding. I wondered if I may have caused dirt to go into the system from pushing up on that copper/cast iron section! It is close to the main return-actually the last one to drain into the main before hitting the return.

    I will look into calling a pro and take care of both problems.

    Thanks again for all your help.
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