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Which one

but I had a Thermopride in my present house and switched to hydronic ...the old one was still working and I gave to someone who put it in their place...still works well and it was 20+ years old....built like a tank....kpc

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  • George_22
    George_22 Member Posts: 4
    which one?

    I have two quotes from two good heating contractors for a replacement warm air furnace. We need to make a choice between a Arco with a beckett or a Thermo-pride with either a Beckett or Riello option. The Thermo pride is more $$ than the Arco, but it is not always about the bottom dollar. Quality, reliability, service and warranty are all part of the price. Just not sure of the Arco furnance.
    Any suggestions?
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    Haven't used Arco before, but I'll swear by Thermo Pride. A good product and good support.
  • Chris_82
    Chris_82 Member Posts: 321
    Be nice,...

    Generally we promote the health benefits of using water as a transfer medium to heat spaces we live, work, and sleep in! Heating air got its start because of the benefits to contractors such as simplicity in cost and installation, the equipment is cheaper. But the effects on elderly and children have been well studied and generally this population has a higher incidence of respiratory and lung problems, dry skin, and eye infections are also increased. The, well every medical association on the planet recommends "alternate" meaning anything other than hot air for people with allergies and chronic lung issues, including... asthma. If you are a heavy smoker there is some limited evidence that hot air contributes to the incidence of lung cancers. On that TV show where deserving families win a new home the first thing they do with sick individuals is install hydronic systems. And I can go on...
  • S Ebels
    S Ebels Member Posts: 2,322

    Hands down. Their product is excellent and the customer support is even better. I just had a no heat situation brought about by the failure of a burner head. Thermopride didn't have the replacement head in stock so they pulled one off a new burner and sent it next day UPS. That type of thing is the rule not the exception with them. Given proper care and maintenance, one of their oil furnaces will probably last until all the oil is gone! (that may be a bit overboard but you get the point)

    They produce a quality product that is as efficient as anything in that category and better than most. I install all of the units we sell with the Riello burner. It's as close to fire and forget as you can come with an oil furnace. Combustion efficiency runs in the 84-87% range with a good duct system and correct airflow.

    We have installed nothing else in oil furnaces for the last 5-6 years now. If a customer wants a lower price unit, I politely excuse myself and let them find a different contractor.
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