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CA Code - electrical outlets above baseboard not allowed?

Greg_40 Member Posts: 43
We encountered that a time or two, also but were always able to reverse the issue to the correct manner so far. Clearly they are misinterpretating or over-interpreting a code issue. Explain it to the inspection staff that it clearly is an issue above electric BB and hopefully they will listen to facts. Some are a little touchy about being disagreed with.

If not, every code jurisdiction should have a board of building appeals or similar board title who's job it is to review code issues and make a firm decision for local interpretation when you just can't agree. If you can sell it to that board, you are golden from then on. Treat the inspectors respectfully. I like to think of if being kind of like how Congress members 'argue' with one another. Kind words, calm voice but don't be so condescending like they are to one another!


  • Kim Rogers
    Kim Rogers Member Posts: 2
    California code - eletrical outlets above hydronic baseboards

    please help! Sonoma County inspectors are telling us that we cannot have electrical outlets above hydronic baseboard heaters; I believe they are misinterpreting "baseboard heaters" to mean electrical baseboard heaters.

    Is there a difference, and does anyone know correct code to apply?

    thank you!
  • tom_49
    tom_49 Member Posts: 269


    Im not sure about CA, but here in the peoples republic of Mass., I know you cant put oultets above electric BB heaters. You can put them above hot water BB.

    Astalaveesta baby:)

    Good luck
  • what kind of weed are they smokin?

    This proves that not all goverment acgencies have common senses... Suppose u plug in electric baseboard and have it sitting below the outlet, that's make it illegal?
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    In CT, in addition to the local inspectors, we have a state building inspector. I have called him in the past to clarify issues I was having with local inspectors and their interpretation of the code. I assume CA has someone who oversees the inspectors on the state level in CA.
    EBEBRATT-Ed Member Posts: 16,015

    The National Electric Code specifies that you cannot install receptcles above ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEATERS if the instructions furnished with the electric heaters prohibit it.

    With electric baseboard the receptacles can be installed inside the electric baseboard by using the special kit available from the baseboard manufacturer and of course NOT wired to the baseboard circuit. This has been code for years.

    There is no restriction in the code as far as installing receptacles above HOT WATER BASEBOAD.

    Whomever is telling you this needs to read and reread the code.

  • Rollie Peck
    Rollie Peck Member Posts: 47

    Perhaps it would be helpful to point out to the inspectors that while the heating elements in electrical baseboards get hot enough to melt the insulation on electrical cords, hydronic baseboard heating elements never get hotter than 200 degrees and are generally well below that, especially on the newer systems.

    (One would think that an inspector would know that already.)

    Rollie Peck

  • Brad White
    Brad White Member Posts: 2,399
    I agree with \"Electric Baseboard No\", Hot Water, Si\"

    The prohibition on electrical receptacles above electric baseboard has been in the National Electric Code since the last Adams Administration.

    I agree the term "Baseboard" is probably being mis-understood or the inspector is stuck on stupid, meant in all kindness.

    Do NOT tell him that your trim carpenter also installed "baseboard" all around or you would be without power... :)
    "If you do not know the answer, say, "I do not know the answer", and you will be correct!"

    -Ernie White, my Dad
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