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Reversing Flow

> I work at a distributer where I am responsible <BR>
> for radiant system design...I find this to be <BR>
> common with the masses of homeowners who plan to <BR>
> save money by putting the tubing down themselves. <BR>
> few actually realize that there are design <BR>
> limitations with this kind of thing...sure, <BR>
> boilers and pumps might be complicated, but <BR>
> piping is piping right? Head loss who?... <BR>


  • Rich Kontny_3
    Rich Kontny_3 Member Posts: 562
    Reversing Flow

    For those of you who do alot of troublshooting and followups. How often are you running into radiant systems with excessive lengths?

    Would this not be an indicator of how many untrained people are laying the distribution piping in slabs, under floors etc.?

    Why would anyone put in 1000 ft loops if they had any kind of training?I realize once things are set in stone they are fixed and reversing the flow can be a remedy.

    Kind of like "an ouce of proper install prevents a pound of specialty components" to remedy snafus.

    Rich K.

    Make Peace Your Passion!
  • L'town radiant
    L'town radiant Member Posts: 36

    I work at a distributer where I am responsible for radiant system design...I find this to be common with the masses of homeowners who plan to save money by putting the tubing down themselves. few actually realize that there are design limitations with this kind of thing...sure, boilers and pumps might be complicated, but piping is piping right? Head loss who?...
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