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Fin tube Boilers

Bart_7 Member Posts: 3
Does any one have in wrieting the pros and cons of fin tube boilers in a primary secondary loop heating system. I have been told the life expectancy of the boilers is only abot 12 years but need to show that to my client. Has many boilers of that age starting to fail. Should we repalce tham with like boilers (laars,telydene) or go with cast irn. any input would be appreaicated


  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
    Fire tube? Oh never mind, fin tube...

    As with any boiler the question is, how is it applied? To what kind of system? Inherent in that is, how is it protected against shock, condensation or corrosion?

    Think too of the effects of flame on one side of a tube with water on the other some thousand degrees less in temperature. How thin is the metal between the mediums? Better conductivity and faster response at least.

    Typically higher mass trumps lower mass for longevity. Absent mass, higher corrosion-resistant material grades such as stainless steel helps for the low temperature (condensation) side of the curve.

    Low mass boilers tend to have a price-point lower than others (to be verified) and if longevity is your goal they require dedicated circulators to prevent thermal shock and condensation, better water treatment if any make-up. As you mention, primary-secondary is already the system set-up.

    So it gets down to price point, your controlling the system to avoid shock and condensation compared against a perhaps more expensive boiler. Think total lifecycle cost and total cost of ownership including eventual replacement. There will be your answer.
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