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Was going to ask masterplumberusa.net, but site doesnt work

David Sutton_6
David Sutton_6 Member Posts: 1,079
ask your questions and give the money to one of Dans charitys...



  • Christina
    Christina Member Posts: 6
    Was going to ask masterplumberusa.net

    I wanted to have someone give me advice over the internet, and was willing to pay for it (up to $100), but the site is no longer existent (nothing works on site http://masterplumberusa.com). Anyone here want to take it on ? I have a circa 1930 boiler with some 1960 parts. I want to post pictures of all the parts and have them identified and want to ask 5 or 6 questions (which of course will probably turn into more questions). I assume that I will be annoying, which is why I was willing to pay for it. I read the info here on gravity fed systems, but I'm failing to understand some of the basics. Anyone out there wanting to take this on ? I hope I'm not violating any rules by being willing to pay.. If not here, anyone have other *reliable* sites where I can make a similar proposal ?
  • lee_7
    lee_7 Member Posts: 457

    you can ask any questions you have, i'm sure there will be someone able to answer for free. If your questionsget answered, might i suggest purchasing a "brick" to help support this site.
  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,232
    You Are in Luck! *~/:)

    You have found The Place to be asking a few questions..if you would like, you can read about the Gravity systems in the Library and in the tech topics ...then, informed as it were, come back for clarification on the minor technicalities and petite d'etails ...and ... You may contribute a bit to the Wall if you are so inclined to help maintain this invaluable resource for the planetary inhabitants:)

    visitors from China Europe, UK. Australia America ...all stop in from time to time. it is the Real Deal:) there is also Find a Professional that button might link you to the nearest individual with the tools skills and experience to remedy the current situation...
  • Rich Kontny_3
    Rich Kontny_3 Member Posts: 562
    Fire Away


    This is what the designers of the world wide web had in mind.An innovative,intelligent site ran by one of heating's best.(Dan Holohan)

    With universal participation this is the envy of not only our industry but others who want to run a world class website and forum.

    Questions are always free! Advice very accurate and disputes ending positive!

    Fire away!

    Rich K.
  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,365

    This would be a more appropriate place anyway. Being a Master Plumber doesn't hurt, but heating is another animal. You came to the right place, and the guys are correct.....a nice little donation to one of Dan's Charities here would more than suffice. Mad Dog

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