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New heating plant

We are getting close to fire this puppy up for the first time on wed. as sone as we can get a fuel delivery.
This was a project we stared in november .I was called to give a qoute for some radiant heat by the home owner on anew home being built on eastern long island ther gc said his plumber didn,t do radiant heat so he called us out to look a project and give a price .
I met with cust . and as it turns out they were not happy with the gc or his plumber so we got the whole plumbing & heating contract .Well after getting all 21 plumbing fixtuers done & inspected we are finally ready to start up the new heating plant .I hope the home owner like's it , because gc said he could have done better.
I could not have done this with out the help from Matt & albert to great guy's .Thanks to madd dog & albert the soft spoken one the plumbing went in and looks great we have claen out every place (matt loves clean outs ).Just passed the water test inpection & inspector loved the craftsmanship.
I will post more pictures soon.

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