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How to sell an almost new residential boiller?

Al Corelli_2
Al Corelli_2 Member Posts: 395
Don't some states prohibit the installation of used equipment (boilers)?

Thought I read this somewhere.

How can a ten year old boiler be "almost new"?
No matter how much use, it is still a 10 yr old boiler. Just because it sat there doesn't mean it has not begun deteriorating.

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  • Terri_2
    Terri_2 Member Posts: 1

    I have inhereted a house and I want to sell the boiler that is in it. It was installed new in 1998 and was used for only 2 winters. Im wondering if anyone has a good idea of how to sell it or what kind of company might be interested in buying it.
  • bob young
    bob young Member Posts: 2,177
    a gift

    hate to tell but your almost ten year old used boiler is not worth much. brand new is less than two grand. new second hand is 50% off. yours would need a complete set of new controls. with dismantling & shipping lucky you get one or two hundred. plus it must be pressure tested and lastly ----zero manufacturers warranty.. might as well give it to a worthy less fortunate.
  • ttekushan_3
    ttekushan_3 Member Posts: 960


    Terry T

    steam; proportioned minitube; trapless; jet pump return; vac vent. New Yorker CGS30C

  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,232
    Hello Terri,

    i dont always look like this *~/:)

    the thing is there are not too many of us who will pay for the privledge of hauling a boiler out of a basement.

    as cold as that may sound, it is unlikely you would find someone willig to haul it out for less than shop time and likely only if they had the replacement contract...

    i know that sounds Unbeliveable...the last boiler i paid the 89 year old ex boiler maker a princely sum of 150$ was more out of respect for all his years in the trade rather than for the priveldge of the chunk of iron it took a couple weight lifters and my best journeman stick to beat them with to get the thing out of the mans house:)
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