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Life expectancy

Techman Member Posts: 2,144
Thanks Ed


  • Techman
    Techman Member Posts: 2,144
    How Long?

    What is the life expectency of a ITT M&M #63 low water cutoff safety?
  • MM LWCO Life

    The attached is from MM. In includes the 63

    Ed Carey
  • jackchips_2
    jackchips_2 Member Posts: 1,337

    than a New England Patriot opponent.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. I now return this thread to the professionals. :-))

  • Big Will
    Big Will Member Posts: 395

    I just wanted to say thanks. this type of thing is great for coustomer problems. having a third party when you are advising replacement of a part thats not broken really helps. Share the wealth.
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