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Siggys book

hr Member Posts: 6,106
maybe you have a collectors item :)

Do you get your new Plumbing and Mechanical mag yet? Check out the Caleffi published "Idronics" supplement, for some more classic Sigenthaler.

I need to get my hands on those Caleffi component symbols for HydroniCad :)

hot rod

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  • Norm Harvey
    Norm Harvey Member Posts: 684
    Ever noticed?

    So I had to reinstall windows on my PC, and during the very time consuming task of putting all my software back on I'm re-reading Siggys book "Modern hydronic Heating" (2nd edition) And I noticed there are 2 chapter 7's and 2 chapter 8's

    I cant believe I didnt notice sooner.

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  • Brad White
    Brad White Member Posts: 2,399
    Modern Hydronic Heating Second Edition

    Maybe Siggy believes that those chapters are worth reading twice, Norm? :)

    Actually it may be just your copy; I will check mine when I get back to the office tomorrow. Mis-prints happen all the time on the way to the bindery.

    Remember the conversation we were having at The Harp on where one will be in ten years? (I wanted to get into that more deeply with you but for stories told on either side of us, the one-on-one was lost... :)

    One recommendation I was going to make is to buy the very book we are discussing; you are there! After almost 30 years in the business, I got more out of that book than any other single book in my career.

    Write to me off-line if you like, Norm. I may have other resources for you, some essays I have written plus some reference material on various aspects of HVAC as a whole.

    I enjoyed meeting you and Kelly- you guys make a great couple and a business force between you!


    "If you do not know the answer, say, "I do not know the answer", and you will be correct!"

    -Ernie White, my Dad
  • Weezbo
    Weezbo Member Posts: 6,232
    What a Deal! *~/:)

    Circ pumps and Emmitters are important items of consideration.... :) look at it like you have a special Norm editionL °)with a special eye on Circs and emmitters.
  • Dave Ewald
    Dave Ewald Member Posts: 36
    Is it just Modern?

    "Lost Art of Steam Heating" was great when I had steam heating, but then I moved. Now I'm trying to cope with a water radiator system installed in about 1948 or so, with a Weil McClain 260V boiler now attached. I've got "Pumping Away", but that's limited in scope. I've seen several books listed for sale that (like this one and the IBR coursebook) may be great for installing new systems, but I don't know if they'd be useful in understanding what I think is a gravity system badly converted to use with a circulator. I just ordered Dan's "How Come...", but would these other books help me deal with a funky old system?
  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
    Siggy's Book

    indeed is geared more towards the modern way of doing things. The core principles are well explained though. Still a good investment but the B&G books are hard to beat for systems dated after 1930.
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