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(Off topic)... A better way to eat a Twinkie

Perry_3 Member Posts: 498
As Dan says; it pays to wander off The Wall.... (well perhaps not...)

You may chose to try this - or not as it fits your disposition.

Deep Fried Twinkies.... Can it get any beter? Complete with recipies and instructions... (and yes, even instructions on how to add even more to the... meal).





  • this guy

    This guy is running a nuclear power plant and telling us how to make a better fried twinke.... Sscccccaaaarrryyyyyyy......
  • Maine Doug_52
    Maine Doug_52 Member Posts: 71
    that must be

    one of the benefits of a nuke plant, it just sits there and hums. Thus allowing the operators time for culinary persuits.
  • J.C.A._3
    J.C.A._3 Member Posts: 2,980
    I believe...

    That both have a 1/2 life of about 10000 years too!
  • Perry_3
    Perry_3 Member Posts: 498
    Actually, the half life of some modern foods is...

    Foods like Twinkies (pre deep fat frying), Freetos, and others have negative half life's.

    The older they get - the longer they will last...


    ps: Ya know... We've got to eat. Some people just don't know what good food is...
  • Aidan (UK)
    Aidan (UK) Member Posts: 290
    Deep fried

    He's English; explains everything.

    He's probably only offering deep-fried Twinkies because the proper ingredients are unavailable. A true gastronome will only accept the original deep fried Mars bar, the very apex of Scottish haut cuisine.

  • frank_25
    frank_25 Member Posts: 202
    peanut butter...........................

    .............on an Entenmans chocolate donut. washed down w/a brew. Can't get any better than that
  • Perry_3
    Perry_3 Member Posts: 498
    You are partially right

    Deep fried Mars bars are delectible as well. So is deep fried cheese curds.

    However, the doctor want's me to get on a light diet. Those others are pretty heavy food items for thier size. Can't get much lighter than a twinkie....

  • Ted_9
    Ted_9 Member Posts: 1,718

    I think Edaville Railroad in Carver, Ma does the deep fired Oreos.


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  • Deep fried ice cream

    Back in 1964/65 I visited the New York World's Fair in Flushing Meadows, Queens. One of the most unusual items available there was deep fried ice cream. They took a highly frozen ball of ice cream and dipped it in some form of batter, very much like a pancake batter, then into the hot grease it went. Once properly browned on the outside, it was removed from that smoking inferno, and placed in a paper cup; to be then covered with any one of several sweet syrups. It was rather unique even as a culinary abomination. Did any of you attend the fair and or try the ice cream?
  • realolman
    realolman Member Posts: 513
    You gotta be kidding

    "This guy is running a nuclear power plant and telling us how to make a better fried twinke.... Sscccccaaaarrryyyyyyy......"

    You've never seen Homer Simpson ?!?
  • frank_25
    frank_25 Member Posts: 202
    '64 fair

    I practically lived there all the time. The German beer pavilions like Lowenbrau were always busy, Ford and GM had the cars of the future, and somewhere is a time capsule w/my John Hancock. I borrowed my fathers brand new '65 Grand Pris and had my H.S. sweetheart on my arm. Who was better than me? 19 years old and not a care in the world except knowing I was going to Vien Nam in the near future.
  • hey Homer....

    Hey Homer, I mean Perry... I just walked by the twinkie food section and my hearing aid started ticking..... Is that where the radioactive waste are stored til the human consumption?
  • Ruthe Jubinville_2
    Ruthe Jubinville_2 Member Posts: 674

    does edaville still exist. I thought they moved it to Maine
  • Perry_3
    Perry_3 Member Posts: 498
    Check your hearing aid...

    no I mean your radiation section.

    Bananas and potatoes are probably the most radioactive items in the store - oh, and potasium supplements as well.

    Anything high in potasium... Very large component of natural radioactive isotopes.

    The other major radiacitve source is drinking water due to naturally occuring tritium. In some places of the country people get far more radiation from their drinking water each year than they would get from a meltdown at a local nuclear power plant.

    Sorry, twinkies should not have much radiative stuff in them. It's the chemicals... they don't decay like radioactive substances do.


  • Aidan (UK)
    Aidan (UK) Member Posts: 290
    Twinkie half life

    > they don't decay like radioactive

    > substances do.

    And nor do Mars bars.

This discussion has been closed.