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New York Big Ugly. Some questions for you, please.

Bob Bruno
Bob Bruno Member Posts: 2
Hey guys,

Just want to say I had a great time last night. It was great meeting all of you. Dan, what can I say, always a pleasure. Looking forward to attending more in the future. Thank you and good night.

Bob Bruno
R.W. Beckett Corp.
Sales Engineer


  • JohnNY
    JohnNY Member Posts: 3,270
    For those who attended

    First of all, thanks again for attending and it was a pleasure for the misses, my brother and me to meet you all.
    If I have to have competition, you guys are the competition I want. Professional. Gentlemen. Know how to laugh and have a good time.

    I'm going to keep my eyes open for some other locations around the city so I'd like some feedback as to:

    1. Did you come by (a.)public transportation or (b.)your own vehicle?

    (if a.) would you be likely to attend if another venue was not as convenient to Penn Station?

    (if b.)How big of an issue is on or off street parking to you?

    2. Is another night better for you than Thursday?

    3. Are you likely to have a meal at the BUNY?

    Some other questions may come up later but I'd like to start here.

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
    Contact John "JohnNY" Cataneo, NYC Master Plumber, Lic 1784
    Consulting & Troubleshooting
    Heating in NYC or NJ.
  • Al Corelli_2
    Al Corelli_2 Member Posts: 395

    1. B.
    Parking was 30 bucks because of the Ranger Game. Off street parking is VERY important. It is worth the 30 bucks instead of a 115 dollar ticket or having my vehicle vandalized. I do not like parking on the street in Manhattan.

    2. Any night you want to hang out is OK with me.

    3. Yes.

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  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582

    train people. Any night is a good night. Gotta eat somewhere!
    Retired and loving it.
  • Bob Bona_4
    Bob Bona_4 Member Posts: 2,083

    Metro North from Westport CT. Was fun. Cost 16 bux buying tix on rr one way. Painless..caught a cab, and poof here we are. Remember, I'm rural type guy, so a trip to NY is big stuff for me.

    I would vote for wed/thur/fri.

    Meals are a given. Nothing better than breaking bread with my fellow wetheads.
  • Paul Fredricks_3
    Paul Fredricks_3 Member Posts: 1,557

    Yeah, I second that. As long as it isn't too far from the stations it's not a big deal. Food? Not all that important to me, but bar food is fine. Between the train, taxi andleaving work a little early, I want to save some mony (most) for beer.

    A Friday would probably be best. This way I don't need to think about getting home so early (read that as "Anyone have a couch I can crash on?"). Just have to get that past the wife, of course.
  • Sure Bruno, go north!


    I can't believe you would attend BUNY and not even consider us lowely people down here in Philadelphia. You know we use a few Beckets around here too.

    I know the secret, we'll have a BIG UGLY GOLF OUTING!

  • Ruthe Jubinville_2
    Ruthe Jubinville_2 Member Posts: 674
    go more north

    he could have really gone North to the the Big Ugly Boston haha...Ruthe
  • Charlie Masone
    Charlie Masone Member Posts: 66

    Taking the LIRR in is the best for Long Islanders, but I'm open to anything. Dinner, I like food, sure.

    Charlie, RW Beckett
  • Paul_11
    Paul_11 Member Posts: 210
    friday or saturday is much better

    Hey John,
    It was great meeting everyone, but especially you guys from the same island.

    I like Friday the best, Sat would be fine for me as well. I did not get up until 10am because I knew I would be useless if I got up earlier.

    Of course fridays tend to be busier at bars, I think we can deal with that.

    I ride the subway. I think we could move it further from the main stations as long as it was a short subway ride. It would do out of towners good to ride the rails and the experience isn't as it is rumored to be.
    This would give us lots more options.
    Food is important, but I'll eat anything.
    Pool or darts would be nice as well.

    Paul B. Shay
    LMP 1307
    LMFS 654B

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    Since 1990, I have made steam systems quiet, comfortable, and efficient. We provide comfort while saving the planet.

    NYC LMP: 1307
  • Bob Bruno
    Bob Bruno Member Posts: 2


    I didn't know they had one in Philly. I just got the email from Dan about the one in NY. I'll hit the next one in Philly. Let me know. I'm stopping in on Thursday maybe I will see you then.

  • Al Corelli_2
    Al Corelli_2 Member Posts: 395
    Just a suggestion...

    Maybe a quieter place, so we can really hear the BS?

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  • > First of all, thanks again for attending and it

    > was a pleasure for the misses, my brother and me

    > to meet you all. If I have to have competition,

    > you guys are the competition I want.

    > Professional. Gentlemen. Know how to laugh and

    > have a good time.


    > I'm going to keep my eyes

    > open for some other locations around the city so

    > I'd like some feedback as to:


    > 1. Did you come

    > by (a.)public transportation or (b.)your own

    > vehicle?


    > (if a.) would you be likely to attend

    > if another venue was not as convenient to Penn

    > Station?


    > (if b.)How big of an issue is on or

    > off street parking to you?


    > 2. Is another night

    > better for you than Thursday?


    > 3. Are you

    > likely to have a meal at the BUNY?


    > Some

    > other questions may come up later but I'd like to

    > start here.




    > _A

    > HREF="http://www.heatinghelp.com/getListed.cfm?id=

    > 290&Step=30"_To Learn More About This

    > Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in

    > "Find A Professional"_/A_

  • We used public transport .

    Anywhere in the city is great .

    Weekend nights are MUCH easier for us .

    Definitelty eat at the gathering .

    I had the best time in a long time at BUNY . I'm already looking foward to the next one .
  • Christian Egli_2
    Christian Egli_2 Member Posts: 812
    A quieter place? :)

    For parking, the only request is that it be free, located under a shade tree for the sun, and within a quarter block walk... oh wait... what you’re saying? Manhattan? Oooh, I was thinking about Dayton... Our problems here revolve around moving parking garages a few yards by demolishing and rebuilding them so that they may be nearer to competing lots. It’s just funny.

    The BUNY seems like a very best reason to travel to New York

  • Al Corelli_2
    Al Corelli_2 Member Posts: 395

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Mad Dog_2
    Mad Dog_2 Member Posts: 7,365
    Good to see your name back in the Mix , Bob

    I remember you from my first months on the Wall. Glad to see you back. I will do my best to come to the next one. Mad Dog

    To Learn More About This Professional, Click Here to Visit Their Ad in "Find A Professional"
  • Bob Bona_4
    Bob Bona_4 Member Posts: 2,083
    Hey Matt!

    We sure missed having you there..be sure you were you not forgotten!

    You and me do go back a ways. I know last year was a tough one for you with your Mom and it's funny how life works. I am going thru the same deal right now with my Mom. All the emotions you have unashamedly put out there for us to read, cry and pray over, seem to now have struck home so much more vividly.

    I think this might have something to do with my "re-emergence" of sorts on the Wall. Maybe in my way, I am re-evaluating how precious life is (not that I forgot).

    I think a large part of it is how us Wall buddies can be unconditional friends through the years, bucking a trend I personally have been seeing more and more of over the last few years.

    That's the draw of the Wall.
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