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The little ugly (Seattle)

Josh_10 Member Posts: 787
Well we had 4 guys. Myself, my partner Justin, Tim Smith, and Paul Pollets. I have to say that we had a GREAT time.

I considered it an honor to sit at the table with over 60 years of experience between Paul ant Tim. You guys are class acts!


  • Any time spent with Paul...

    Is a GOOD time.

    Small crowds are good crowds...

    Got pictures?

  • Brad White_9
    Brad White_9 Member Posts: 2,440
    Wish I were there

    Not just to increase your numbers but to enjoy the company of people I respect and enjoy reading. Same goes for the Denver crowd,

    ...Chicago New York, Detroit and it's all on the same street....a typical city involving a typical daydream...

    Yes, it is all about the Dead, is it not?
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