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login page?

CC.Rob_3 Member Posts: 33
Thanks. Works fine now.


  • CC.Rob_3
    CC.Rob_3 Member Posts: 33
    new feature?

    I just tried to go straight to the Wall topic list.

    I got a screen asking if I was "Laurie." Not being Laurie, I clicked no.

    I was then asked to register. Name, email, username, password. Ok.

    Then got a screen asking if I was me. I clicked yes. Entered password, and here I am.

    This new? Did I miss an announcement?

  • DanHolohan
    DanHolohan Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 16,582
    Here's what happens.

    The software that runs the Wall uses cookies to remember who everyone is. This keeps track of your name, and also your bookmarks. If someone forwards a URL to a previous Wall post and another person opens that link, the cookie attached to that post goes along with it, and the software now thinks you are him or her. This also applies when someone links a previous post to a new post here on the Wall. It's harmless, but confusing, and you can get back to normal by just clicking that you are NOT Laurie (since you're not) and filling in the blanks with your own information.
    Retired and loving it.
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