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Pressure Tanks as Buffer Tanks

Just poking around, it appeared it had multiple outlets. maybe I was wrong about that. hrm.


  • hey all,

    was poking around looking at buffer tank options, and came across some portable steel pressure tanks that seem to have ratings that might work and lots of tappings (though not always the right size). And, they are fairly cheap.

    Any thoughts on using a pressure tank as a closed system buffer tank?
  • jp_2
    jp_2 Member Posts: 1,935

    how would you insulate it so it looked as nice as an electric HW tank? i thought they only had an inlet?
  • Chris_82
    Chris_82 Member Posts: 321
    Don't be discouraged,

    In larger installs where sometimes 200-300 gallon tanks are used, they arrive without means to mount them, insulation, and or any instructions. The local 4 guys mount them, the insulation local puts white stuff all over them, and the 537 men, install complicated 2 and 3 heat exchangers/ piping arrangments/ to protect the potable systems and the boiler from rust. Other times they just get a small residential type boiler to keep the large, really big, boilers from running. In fact one of the stratigies used in Dennis Weavers home in ? Arizona ? he was the actor in a once popular tv series: McCloud and was very enviornmentally active, he spent a million to build a solar home and If I'm not mistaken, there were a number of steel tanks used to store warm water from the collectors for night time stand by heat and they used mud to insulate the tanks?
  • ALH_4
    ALH_4 Member Posts: 1,790

    Or if the port is big enough it can become an inlet and an outlet with a reducing tee, though that's probably not an option with a diaphragm in the tank.
  • hr
    hr Member Posts: 6,106
    I've used

    plain steel compression (expansion) tanks. Fairly cheap, ASME listed, large connections, some are base mounts.

    But no insulation.

    Insultarp or Barrier works nicely for an insulation jacket if looks aren't real important.

    hot rod

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