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Radiant Floor in In-Door Swimming Pool Deck

I am installing an in-door exercise pool that will be enclosed with a tiled floor installed on a subfloor supported by wood joists. The tile will be installed with a fracture membrane and a drainage membrane that protects the subflooring so any water that penetrats will eventually drain away. I would like to install a radiant floor heating system under the tile, but wonder if the inevitable penetration of the tile by chemically treated pool water would be an issue for the heating system?

Thanks for any advice!


  • jp_2
    jp_2 Member Posts: 1,935
    piping layout?

    do you plan to put the piping above or below the subfloor?

    I assume PEX or plastic piping?

    I'd be real surprised if pool chemical attacked PEX.
  • Rodney Summers
    Rodney Summers Member Posts: 748

    Thanks for the response. It would be an above-subfloor installation. I am worried about what might happen to the aluminumm diffusion plates in the presence of chlorinated pool water.

  • jp_2
    jp_2 Member Posts: 1,935
    hold the phone a minute?

    you are installing a swimming pool on a subfloor? a 3x3x7ft pool would weigh as much as your car, approx 3,500lbs just in water?

    heck of a load for wood joist?
  • Paul Pollets
    Paul Pollets Member Posts: 3,661
    Indoor pool deck

    I've done several indoor lap pools, and fullsize indoor pool decks. We always install the tubing at 6" centers and overpour with either concrete or lightweight. I do not recommend a "staple-up" application with transfer plates. There is simply not enough heat transfer. Every lap pool required supplemental heat, which we did with a heating coil installed in the pool dehumidification HRV.

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  • Rodney Summers
    Rodney Summers Member Posts: 748

    No, the pool itself sits on a concrete slab in a pit about 5 feet below the to-be tiled tiled walking surface. It's a pre-fab fiberglass exercise pool with the other structure built up around it.
  • Rodney Summers
    Rodney Summers Member Posts: 748

    No, the pool itself sits on a concrete slab in a pit about 5 feet below the to-be tiled tiled walking surface. It's a pre-fab fiberglass exercise pool with the other structure built up around it.
  • jp_2
    jp_2 Member Posts: 1,935
    pauls got it

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